Believe me, when I saw 'Family Guy' do the bit on 'Africa,' I howled laughing.

For me, 'The Goldbergs' was about surviving a crazy family - and believe me, the show is a sanitized version!

My family believe you should never be flashy about anything. Maybe that handicapped me a little bit, that extreme humility.

My grandfather, my grandmother especially, I have a whole family of activists, they've always told me to stand up for what I believe in.

Without my family, I'm nothing. They kept me in the right place. I believe that I'm the luckiest person in the country when I'm with them.

My family, they cannot have anything to do with us. They believe that, you know, their duty is to deliver me to Satan for the destruction of the flesh.

I get excited about people doing stuff, and to whom I want to give. And I believe in giving back to people who have helped me and my family in the past. The key is getting excited.

No one was happy about me entering the entertainment industry because I belong to a Syed family. But I believe no profession is a bad profession, rather it's all about the mindset.

I belong to a highly religious family. Both my mother and father perform fasting, do shrads and completely believe in Ganpati. This has influenced me and that is why even I am so religious.

It never occurred to me that I wouldn't go to college and have a career - as well as a family - of my own. Both my parents, but especially my mother, encouraged me and led me to believe that it was possible.

What scares me? I kind of believe in ghosts. I believe they can wander around, so that scares me. But the stuff that really scares me are the catastrophic events like my husband or children or my family being harmed, or something like that.

I feel like in the NFL, they preach loyalty and family and they have none for you. As a player, you see it's not a family during negotiations, how it becomes them versus me or me versus them. That's part of the NFL I believe the fans don't see.

I'm an emotional woman when it comes to service to our country. I watched many people's children leave and go serve. This is something that is the fiber of the McCain family. It was nothing more than me just saying I believe in this country so strongly.

It's not about being super famous. My first goal was to do what I'm passionate about - dance, hip hop, and R&B - but I also wanted to support my family and friends and create opportunities for me and people I believe in. It makes everything I do meaningful.

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