The economic impact of illegal immigration on taxpayers is catastrophic.

I think we could very easily suffer a seriously catastrophic cyber event.

War is not its own end, except in some catastrophic slide into absolute damnation.

I know the feeling after a catastrophic loss, to be so close and have it all just end.

Historical experience shows that a crisis causes either a recovery or catastrophic consequences.

I welcome the Independent Group as it is committed to saving the country from a catastrophic hard Brexit.

It has always been clear that any use of nuclear weapons would have catastrophic humanitarian consequences.

There's always a possibility that you can have a catastrophic failure, of course. This could happen on any flight.

In my life, I have made the occasional catastrophic choice, and it's just a case of moving on and learning from it.

Football, played at its highest level, is catastrophic. Even relatively minor afflictions are grotesque and bookworthy.

The capital phenomenon, the most catastrophic disaster, is uninterrupted sleeplessness, that nothingness without release.

The value of catastrophic events is that they can help people face up to problems that are otherwise impossible to address.

I don't think people realise how important it is to have your blood pressure checked. Stroke is so sudden, so catastrophic.

There is no form of Brexit that will be good for our country but a no-deal Brexit will be the most catastrophic of them all.

Back up everything! You are not invulnerable. Catastrophic data loss can happen to you - one worm or Trojan is all it takes.

It is never smart, even in a strong democracy, to declare some debate off limits. In a weakening democracy it is catastrophic.

I've had great success and I've had catastrophic failure. It's really how you handle the rough stuff that defines you, I think.

Only if everyone buys insurance can insurers afford to cover people with preexisting conditions or pay the costs of catastrophic diseases.

Obamacare is going to destroy the elderly by denying care, by even perhaps denying treatment to people who are in catastrophic circumstances.

The French suffered such catastrophic losses in the First World War. It really was the end of them as a great world power, although they, quote, 'won.'

As much success came to him, my father stayed true to his promise. He built the hospital to help the most helpless children with catastrophic illnesses.

The ability to reach a catastrophic forest fire quickly can not only save millions in fire suppression costs, it can save structures and, most importantly, lives.

A victory for the Taliban in Afghanistan would have catastrophic consequences for the world - particularly for South Asia, for Central Asia, and for the Middle East.

Removing substantial fuel loads from our forests helps prevent catastrophic fire and better protects species, watersheds and neighboring communities that call them home.

I benched up to 500 pounds one day and decided that was enough because I knew the risk of a pec tear or a shoulder injury would be catastrophic to my bodybuilding career.

If we hit the debt ceiling, that's... essentially defaulting on our obligations, which is totally unprecedented in American history. The impact on the economy would be catastrophic.

'Gathering Blue' was a separate book. I wanted to explore what a society might become after a catastrophic world event. Only at the end did I realize I could make it connect to 'The Giver.'

NASA's myriad failures are in many ways the natural consequence of a catastrophic combination of bureaucracy, monopoly, and a calcifying aversion to the kind of risk necessary for innovation.

'Ten Years Later' is about the journey six extraordinary people take with time. Each has experienced a game-changing event - perhaps a life-threatening illness or a catastrophic personal loss.

I usually know when something is going to end up being catastrophic but I don't really care. I find that the things that end up being earth shattering are the things that give me the most thrill.

If a catastrophic event wipes out a large portion of House members, America needs to know this body, elected by the people, will be quickly and legally reconstituted and will continue to function.

If terrorists succeeded in using a weapon of mass destruction against the U.S. or one of our allies, it would likely have catastrophic consequences for our cherished republican form of government.

The catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons require that it be treated as a top priority. Disarmament will work better than any alternative in reducing the risk of use.

We should allow people to purchase health insurance across state lines. That will create a true 50-state national marketplace which will drive down the cost of low-cost, catastrophic health insurance.

You don't have the judgment after you've had the drink. If something truly catastrophic had happened that evening, I don't know how I could have lived with myself. I feel like I've gotten a second chance.

When something catastrophic happens to someone you love, or a situation arises that affects people you love the most, if that's the first time you've been in that position, you never really know what to do.

People need to be insured so when you have an accident out there, or when something catastrophic happens to you, that you're covered and there's not someone else has to pay for you. That is as simple as that.

In my Ph.D. thesis, written in 1989, I discussed the fact that when a civilization develops the technology to prevent catastrophic asteroid impacts, it marks a significant moment in the evolution of the planet.

The consequences of President Johnson's campaign of deliberate deception regarding Vietnam could hardly have been more catastrophic for the nation, the military, the president, his party, and the presidency itself.

Although we must be prepared for a catastrophic large-scale strike, a cyber armageddon, the reality is that we have been living with a constant barrage of cyberattacks for some time. The trend, I believe, will continue.

There is this thing called catastrophic thinking - you start thinking that something catastrophic is going to happen. I get on a plane and I think it's going to crash, I just know it's going to crash, so you're petrified.

We are strangely biased, as individuals and media institutions, to focus on big sudden changes, whether good or bad - amazing breakthroughs, such as a new gadget that gets released, or catastrophic failures, like a plane crash.

Errors in decision-making lead young people to under-save for retirement, doctors to miss tumours, CEOs to make catastrophic investments, governments to engage in needless wars, and parents to irreversibly traumatize their children.

By the 1970s, Western sanctions had hollowed out the Soviet economy. Ultimately, however, what brought down the Soviets was their inability to repair the catastrophic damage that began with the meeting of Igor Gouzenko and the RCMP.

Western medicine was developed for crisis and war, such as if you got shot or wounded, to put the soldier back on the battlefield. It works well for catastrophic situations, but it is absolutely ignorant about prevention and lifestyle.

It is not acceptable that we continue to see thousands of acres burn because of forest fires, because of poor management on our forests, big kill, and we have these catastrophic situations take place when we are not able to take action.

Of all the failed technologies that litter the onward march of science - steam carriages, zeppelins, armoured trains - none has been so catastrophic to prosperity as the last century's attempt to generate electricity from nuclear fission.

What scares me? I kind of believe in ghosts. I believe they can wander around, so that scares me. But the stuff that really scares me are the catastrophic events like my husband or children or my family being harmed, or something like that.

As the GAO report recognizes, the long-term health of our forests relies on additional fuel reduction options and funding to reduce the risks that catastrophic fire poses to our nation's ecosystems, communities and federal budgetary resources.

Sooner or later, we will face a catastrophic threat from space. Of all the possible threats, only a gigantic asteroid hit can destroy the entire planet. If we prepare now, we better our odds of survival. The dinosaurs never knew what hit them.

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