Trade negotiations require compromise.

With negotiations, you never know what's going to happen.

The Tories have made a complete mess of Brexit negotiations.

Business, numbers, negotiations, all that stuff I wouldn't go near.

Trade deal negotiations are highly complicated and take a long time.

PSG were interested in signing me, but we never entered negotiations.

The time is right for a political solution and the way is negotiations.

A two-state solution cannot be promised without having negotiations first.

We must stay focused on the bilateral negotiations between the Palestinians and us.

You know, Rupert Murdoch I've said is like an Italian when it comes to negotiations.

The United States welcomes China's commitment to engage in arms control negotiations.

If women ran the world we wouldn't have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.

Put an end to talk on dividing Jerusalem. There can be no negotiations about Jerusalem.

In most negotiations, you can't attribute success or failure in negotiations to one side.

We don't point a pistol at our own forehead. That is not the way to conduct negotiations.

I think placing preconditions before negotiations is the quickest way to undermine peace.

I won't wait for this Joshua-Wilder-Tyson Fury nonsense and become a pawn in their negotiations.

We are convinced that the only way to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue is through negotiations.

Game theorists analyze negotiations as if they were split-a-pie games involving selfish players.

Sridevi was a part of the planning of 'Nerkonda Paarvai.' She was a part of the negotiations too.

While seed deals have gotten easy, Series A negotiations still often feel like the death of 1,000 cuts.

The negotiations on the future of the U.K. and the E.U. must be led... in the interest of our citizens.

Whenever there's negotiations, there's things that you absolutely love, and there's things that you accept.

Negotiations are a euphemism for capitulation if the shadow of power is not cast across the bargaining table.

When I went to law school, I had Roger Fisher for Civil Procedure. I never heard anything about negotiations.

Our target is not negotiations, it is the end of the apartheid system. There can be no compromise about that.

I will engage in sincere negotiations with the United States and China to find a solution to the THAAD problem.

Salary negotiations shouldn't be limited to just salary. Salary pays your mortgage, but terms build your career.

If a woman gets tough in negotiations, she's difficult, whereas a man would be considered a brilliant businessman.

Regarding the Panama Canal Treaty negotiations, they will find us standing up or dead, but never on our knees; NEVER!

As long as there are no negotiations with the Palestinians, Israel is and will continue to be in a difficult situation.

'Fair' is, like, this incredibly overused term in negotiations: 'I just want what's fair.' 'What's the fair market price?'

As long as a member state is a member state, there are no negotiations bilaterally on any trade agreement with third parties.

There must be pressure on Moscow so that we have negotiations. Moscow will not succeed by unilaterally backing Bashar al-Assad.

It is in the U.S. interest to engage Iran in serious negotiations - on both regional security and the nuclear challenge it poses.

If there's no overlap between the interests of the people you sit down with, then the negotiations really can't be driven anywhere.

No one's interested really in knowing what policies or diplomatic initiatives or arms negotiations might have been compromised by me.

Always go into meetings or negotiations with a positive attitude. Tell yourself you're going to make this the best deal for all parties.

The western mantra is that Israel seeks negotiations without preconditions, while the Palestinians refuse. The opposite is more accurate.

There is no better way to make peace than to talk in each other's home. Avoiding such talks is a denial of the purpose of the negotiations.

A sign that negotiations were handled well on both sides is that everybody probably feels a little bit like they didn't get what they wanted.

To drive down high drug costs, we need to shine a light on the negotiations between drug manufacturers, middleman negotiators and pharmacies.

The sooner you cut off negotiations with someone you shouldn't be dealing with, it gives you the chance to move on to a more profitable deal.

In 1907, Britain and Russia signed a treaty dividing Iran between them; no Iranian was at the negotiations or even knew they were taking place.

The first principle of contract negotiations is don't remind them of what you did in the past - tell them what you're going to do in the future.

There is a lot going on with negotiations in the football business, and I appreciate some people think that it's a crazy, absurd amount of money.

I believe in peace-building in any kind of platform, be it a political platform like Parliament or negotiations like peace-building negotiations.

The E.U. is one of our largest trading partners, and any negotiations legally must be conducted at the E.U. level and not with individual nations.

Why would we start demanding negotiations over sovereignty of the Falklands right now, 30 years since the war, and not 31 years or any other date?

Our trade negotiations should ensure that American workers are protected and that there are mechanisms in place to deal with other countries cheating.

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