I love filming in Britain.

I don't really enjoy filming.

I hate filming in the studio.

Filming in London is brilliant.

I spend 6 hours filming a Vine.

Filming is repetition and many takes.

Filming '24' is just like watching '24.'

Filming 'Glow' helped with my confidence.

For me, filming is always like delivery pains.

I love filming at night. I'm like a night owl.

My goodness, what a blast it is filming 'Woody.'

When you're filming, not everything is rational.

People need to stop filming things at festivals.

I had the most fantastic time filming 'Downton.'

'America' took at least five days of actual filming.

We shot 'Lucas' in 42 days; that's a lot of filming.

I feel more in touch with the world when I'm filming.

Bindi's been filming with us since she first hatched.

When I'm filming, I always have to have breaks to eat.

You dread that there will be real problems during filming.

Within the process of filming, unexpected situations occur.

Doing the Muppet Show you forget about conventional filming.

Filming is like a house, you have to feel comfortable in it.

There's kind of a summer camp aspect of filming on location.

I never liked filming the ads, but they were so well received.

To work with somebody you love makes filming faster, more fun.

My dream is to continue filming until my body tells me to stop.

That whole experience of filming in Canada was one to remember.

When my senior prom was happening, I was in Malta filming 'Troy.'

New Mexico was such a strange place; it was like filming on Mars.

I probably spent about 40 percent of 2019 on a plane and filming.

Luckily I have never missed a day's filming or work due to asthma.

It's really weird, people love filming, they love being on camera.

Look, people have been filming fights since the beginning of time.

When I'm filming, it's in the contract - 'No kiteboarding' - ha ha.

For me, I'm not Spielberg. I can't edit while filming another film.

I'm used to doing U.K. indie films, like, six weeks of filming, tops.

When you're filming, it's very different from what you see on screen.

Anytime you're away from your home filming, it messes with your head.

While filming 'Annie Hall,' I never really hung out with Woody Allen.

It's nice that I can do what I want with my hair when I'm not filming.

Diet Coke is the only way I get through filming because I get so tired.

I'm the type of actor that, if I'm not filming something, I'm in class.

It is really awful to be filming and not know if you can pay everybody.

I would just as likely be doing soccer practice as filming commercials.

It's one of those things where we generally love filming 'Miz and Mrs.'

I like to be in character a good few hours before I arrive for filming.

I didn't eat well while filming 'Sixteen' because I was so stressed out.

Luckily, most days filming, for me, have involved a bit of a workout, too.

I only get home two or three weeks a year. I'm always on the road filming.

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