I'm more than just a curvy girl.

Hold on to your knickers, girls!

I don't date girls. I date women.

Let girls be girls and not brides

Attention. That's all girls want.

I like being a woman, not a girl.

Some girls are taught to be sexy.

Shakespeare must be a black girl.

I don't mind being a Disney girl.

Surfer girls rip and they are hot

It's boring to play the girl role!

Boys turns girls into such idiots.

Most of all, I like chasing girls.

Katniss, the girl who was on fire!

A girl's best friend is her pride.

At Girl Scouts, we create leaders.

Young girls getting into feminism.

No girl was ever ruined by a book.

There aren't enough girl drummers.

I'm the original take-orders girl.

I heart Jewish girls... oh my God.

I like a girl with natural beauty.

I'm not an eye-candy kind of girl.

Raise boys and girls the same way.

Don't treat me like a little girl.

...the man of my dreams is a girl.

I am such a Pacific Northwest girl.

A girl can dazzle - just naturally!

Every girl has a right to be loved.

I’ve kissed girls before, it’s fun!

A family is everybody all together.

A girl's best friend is her mutter.

All the girls in Australia are hot.

Every pretty girl is a heartbreaker

Girls know when they're attractive.

I am definitely a west London girl.

A girl's got to have a few secrets.

Silly girls your heads full of boys

I was at the birth of my two girls.

I am a soft-type girl in real life.

I think "Girls" is pretty brilliant.

Pretty girls don't have ugly mouths.

Girls of all kinds can be beautiful.

I'm strictly an enlisted man's girl.

You don't sweat much for a fat girl.

That girl can barely spell her name.

I am fond of children - except boys.

Put on your big girl pants and deal.

This is no place for a girl on fire.

It's tough to describe my dream girl

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