All my fans are my girlfriends.

I'm really picky with my girlfriends.

Black girls can make the best girlfriends.

I have 20,000 girlfriends, all around the world.

I've had past boyfriends and a couple girlfriends.

Directors are never in short supply of girlfriends.

I have a ton of great girlfriends in this business.

I've stayed good friends with most of my girlfriends.

I've known my two best girlfriends since junior high school.

I am a hopeless romantic and I love to spoil my girlfriends.

Honestly, I usually have way more guy friends than girlfriends.

I really love, honestly, just being with your best girlfriends.

My best girlfriends are the girls I went to college with at UCLA.

I had girlfriends, but settling down was the last thing on my mind.

I'm not a player! I'm the girlfriend type! I always have girlfriends.

It's important to have girlfriends, because guys tend to come and go.

Unfortunately, the people I end up seeing the least are my girlfriends.

I wasn't much into girlfriends. I was too busy tinkering in the garage.

I want all of my girlfriends to enjoy each other because life is too short.

I think I am a little jealous of women who have great girlfriends as adults.

I think lots of men are like that. We sort of get dressed by our girlfriends.

Men are different. When they are in love they may also have other girlfriends.

I mean everybody's got ex-boyfriends and girlfriends. Everybody's got baggage.

I do have many close girlfriends; these relationships are paramount in my life.

I can only have dinner with my girlfriends once a month instead of once a week.

People aren't hiring me to be a 'yes' man. They have their girlfriends for that.

We didn't want to be the girlfriends of the Beatles. We wanted to be the Beatles.

I'd rather grow alone with my girlfriends than with someone I'm not in love with.

Women's roles in the movies remain, for the most part, girlfriends, mothers, wives.

It's great to have girlfriends who are in the industry, that you know have your back.

I live in Los Angeles, mostly, and have a lot of girlfriends and a full life out here.

We're getting ready to take over the world. My group of girlfriends - we're renegades.

The only people you can really share certain things with in secret are your girlfriends.

It's weird, I never wish anything bad upon anybody, except two or three old girlfriends.

I always think it's weird when guys come up to me and say that their girlfriends love me.

I'm always helping out girlfriends, and then I'm wondering, who's going to look after me?

I don't know what to say about Jill Marie. The girls on 'Girlfriends' were all my babies.

When all my girlfriends were watching 'ER,' I was watching episodes of 'Kids in the Hall.'

I had a lot of girlfriends but when you cross the threshold of 30, I wanted to settle down.

PS: It's all gossip about the prince. I'm not in the habit of taking my girlfriends' beaux.

I don't know what I would have done so many times in my life if I hadn't had my girlfriends.

As the younger brother, I think you always have crushes on your older brother's girlfriends.

Music is like girlfriends to me; I'm continually astonished by the choices other people make.

Dancing inspires my music. Having your girlfriends all together and just being free and happy.

If you can lie, you can act, and if you can lie to crazy girlfriends, you can act under pressure.

The gym was my only refuge. I could put music on and dance around with my girlfriends and be silly.

I used to be the sort of person that would go out for lunch with girlfriends and get home at 3 A.M.

I have a lot of good girlfriends that I really love, but you know, most of my close friends are men.

All the songs I write are about human dynamics, whether it's with girlfriends, boyfriends, or family.

Suddenly, my friend's daughters are becoming my best friends. I have so many 12-year-old girlfriends.

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