Some who are not paid what they are worth ought to be glad.

I'm so glad I never feel important, it does complicate life!

I was glad to give the fans the Superfly leap one more time.

I am really glad to be working at the profession that I love.

I don't quite jump for joy, but I am awfully glad to see him.

I am really glad to be a part of Srijit Mukherji's 'Nirbaak.'

I'm 70; I'm just glad I'm on top of the ground. Honest to God.

The first start toward success is to be glad you are yourself.

I don't envy people with long hair. So, I'm glad mine is gone.

I was only glad to be saved and never once thought to ask why.

I'm glad that I ran track in high school. I think it paid off.

Let others praise ancient times; I am glad I was born in these.

I'm glad I've established this as my zone: 'the taboo breaker.'

I'm just really glad that I've had a lot of help along the way.

What tricks the mind is what the mind is glad to be tricked by.

I'm just glad that my community has faith and confidence in me.

I'm just glad that my community has faith and confidence in me.

I'm glad that I can play the tennis that I always wish to play.

I don't mind aging - I'm glad to be aging. I'll never die young.

I'm having the time of my life and I'm glad people are enjoy it.

There's not another drug in life that I'm glad I took but grass.

We did a good job and I'm just glad I have it for a second time.

I'm glad I've had to struggle. It's made me the artist I am now.

A man makes you feel important - makes you glad you are a woman.

I love Marvel and the people there. Im glad I m still part of it.

I come from a blue-collar family, and I'm just glad for the work.

Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know, go ask your dad.

Most of the time I'm thinking, I'm glad that scene was improvised.

I was so glad when geek went from being a bad word to a good word.

I am glad to say that I used to read a lot right from a young age.

I'm glad I wasn't in 'Free Willy 3.' That's all I can say on that.

I love Marvel and the people there. I'm glad I'm still part of it.

I'm glad I can present a polished version of myself when it counts.

I have a deadline. I'm glad. I think that will help me get it done.

I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, Sam.

Had acting not taken off, I would've been glad to become a teacher.

It was hard to be away from home, but I am glad that I am home now.

The news comes somewhat late, but I'm glad to hear it nevertheless.

Simply put, I'm glad that manga as an expressive form is expanding.

He that hath deserved hanging may be glad to escape with a whipping.

I am so glad my wife tolerates me. And we have three wonderful sons.

I just need good scripts, good films, and I am glad I am doing them.

I would have never thought to write a memoir, but I'm glad I did it.

What's your name again? That's right. I'm so glad you know your name.

I'm so glad for the dozens of times I haven't listened along the way.

We never find what we set out hearts on. We ought to be glad of that.

I am glad that I could be a part of a film that tackles Islamophobia.

I'm glad Reagan is president. Of course, I'm a professional comedian.

If it helped you get your music off the ground, I'm glad you done it.

I am just so happy and thrilled and I am so glad Mr. Hefner chose me.

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