There is immense pressure of being caught in the rat race. At such times, I'm glad I have just one child.

I waited for my daughter, Billie, to come to me with her troubles - but I'm glad I didn't hold my breath.

No philosophy, no religion, has ever brought so glad a message to the world as this good news of Atheism.

Never be glad that another man has died. Not ever. [...] It never ends. Never... ever... be glad to kill.

I've often been asked, 'aren't you going to sing in English?' So I'm very glad to have a song in English.

I don't think there's ever a right time to have kids. I'm actually pretty glad it's happened quite young.

I'm glad I made a piece of art that can be interpreted so widely. Art is always interpreted subjectively.

I'm glad that I never ended up killing myself, though I came close more times than I would like to admit.

I'm glad if people can listen to some music and maybe fix some prejudices of their own, just by thinking.

I'm glad 'Honest' came out right after 'Karate Chop,' because I don't want to be seen as a one-hit wonder.

It took me quite a while to find my natural voice. I'm glad I stuck around long enough to see that happen.

I chose Chelsea because I always wanted to play in Europe for one of the biggest clubs. And I'm glad I did.

I am glad that I belong to this era of cinema where we are witnessing blurring lines between real and reel.

I've definitely been typecast, but I have time to do other things and I was glad to have the chances I did.

I am glad that after 'Rustom,' I did 'Mubarakan' and then 'Baadshaho,' as it explores my range as an actor.

I've definitely been typecast, but I have time to do other things and I was glad to have the chances I did.

I am glad I tried something different with 'A Flying Jatt'. I will be okay even if I failed with this film.

But then, is there cowardice in the acknowledgment of fear? Is there cowardice in being glad that you lived?

I would have loved to paint Eartha Kitt, but she's no longer here. I'm so glad I had the chance to meet her.

In combat sports, you should retire on top. That is very hard to do. I'm glad I had the discipline to do it.

It was always my plan to go big on 'Jeopardy!,' and I'm glad I was able to stick to the plan under pressure.

For a Punjabi singer to find acceptance down South is a tall task. I'm glad I earned their love and respect.

Only a certain breed of actor should ever even try to work for Orson Welles. I'm glad I'm one of that breed.

I am glad to see the Confederate battle flag gone from a place of honor at the South Carolina state capitol.

Although the troops have struck us, we throw it all behind and are glad to meet you in peace and friendship.

I'm glad I'm a draw. People know that, not only am I the guy that did it, I spent 40 years on the other side.

Body shaming is really bad and I'm glad that people have actually started coming forth and speaking about it.

I demand a lot and we look to improve, but I'm glad that Atleti are expected to be among the best every year.

I'm glad they're taking a step back. A lot of this is happening so quickly that people can't keep up with it.

I'm glad I did 'Married... with Children,' and I liked making all that money, and we all had a lot of laughs.

I'm glad my son doesn't have to be labeled black or Samoan or mixed. He has instead been labeled as the best.

Amongst so many borrowed things, am glad if I can steal one, disguising and altering it for some new service.

I am glad I am born in this era, but, at the same time, my success will totally depend on the choices I make.

I'm glad that I'm being acclaimed as an actor. Today, when my hard work has paid off I can chill out about it.

I bought my parents a house. Then I bought myself a Rolex. My brother forced me to do it, but I'm glad he did.

People have recognized me sometimes but not much. I'm glad my life isn't too different. I don't want it to be.

When I started playing ball as a junior, I'm kind of glad that I was never good enough to be highly recruited.

I ended up being the 43rd president of the United States. It was an awesome experience, and I'm glad I did it.

Being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad; they've always made me glad.

Green Screen was a total experiment. I'm glad we did it, but it was just tough on that network to get it going.

I never thought people would be remotely interested in my silly little life, but I'm really glad that they are.

I'm glad this whole success thing is happening now. I can't even imagine a 23-year-old Leslie in this position.

It feels great just finally knowing where I'm going and have some place to call home. And I'm glad it's Boston.

I just loved being in the gym. It was tough at times. Sometimes I wanted to quit, but I'm glad I stuck with it.

Never be sad for what is over, just be glad it was once yours. Kindness is loving people more than they deserve.

I'm glad people get excited watching me play. Hopefully I show them something new each time I step on the court.

My first time in front of a camera, I said, 'Wonder Woman, I'm so glad you're here.' That's how I made a living.

I'm glad Wu-Tang was able to inspire other producers and artists, but I would never want to be erased or removed.

'Green Screen' was a total experiment. I'm glad we did it, but it was just tough on that network to get it going.

I cannot stop gushing over the reviews that 'The Dirty Picture' has garnered. I'm glad that people are loving it.

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