I'm glad I'm not Brezhnev. Being the Russian leader in the Kremlin. You never know if someone's tape recording what you say.

My parents split up when I was 16, and, while Mum came to a few Tests, Dad didn't make many. So I was glad he was at Lord's.

I'm glad I'm a woman; I'm glad I'm a rapper because I get to speak to these people who did not get spoken for in this genre.

Check the card before you play. If you have a couple of long par 3s, put an extra hybrid in your bag. You'll be glad you did.

Wrestlemania is big, and I'm glad that I got to go on a real interesting 21-year ride on the road to and out of Wrestlemania.

I'm really glad we have Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer and all these girls who are embracing all the different body types.

I had my moments of being humiliated, and then I had moments of doing something humiliating. I'm glad I lived out both roles.

It was painful, but I really wanted to get 'Hollow City' right, and I'm glad I put in the time because I'm really proud of it.

Mad or glad, Mr. Reagan is head over heels in love with Mrs. Reagan and can't even imagine a world without her - He loves her.

If we have good opportunities to perform in the U.S., Europe, or South America, we are more than glad to go and perform there.

Any free agent that would be afraid to play with Kobe Bryant is probably a loser, and I'm glad they wouldn't come to the team.

Our mother always raised the bar and believed in us. I am glad she made the sacrifices she did, and we honoured her sacrifices.

I don't think of myself as Scottish or lesbian when I sit down and write. I am glad I have broken out of that limited audience.

I miss the comedy of the '70s and '80s, like 'Only Fools And Horses' and 'Fawlty Towers,' so I'm glad I'm put in that category.

I don't know how much of the 'casting couch' exists in the industry, as I've not seen it myself. I'm glad that I've not had to.

Actually I am very glad that people can buy Armani - even if it's a fake. I like the fact that I'm so popular around the world.

I'm glad Metro Station didn't turn out like Jonas Brothers. They need a Disney movie to become famous. Our songs overpower that.

I'm glad I don't live in Primrose Hill any more. I couldn't even walk through the park. You never invite that kind of attention.

People used to call me a one film wonder. I am glad to understand the dynamics and demographics of functioning in this industry.

I felt in college I wanted tattoos. I'm really glad I didn't. I was broke. I would've been bargain shopping for a tattoo artist.

I grew up admiring Ronald Reagan and Vice President Bush, and if I were old enough, I would have voted for 41. I was glad he won.

I think it's so foolish for people to try and hide their age. I don't understand that. You should be happy and glad to be living.

I am glad people are interested in me. There is nothing more I can say about the hair, but if it makes people happy, that's good.

I'm glad that in this sport you can write your own stories, and you don't have to worry about what other people expect out of you.

If my songs are being listened to between any other songs, that is awesome, and I'm glad people are getting something out of them.

I'm glad I've had the comic work. I plan to do others, but I could lay it down if I had to choose. I hope I don't have to, though.

Sometimes it's good to be ready for the unpredictable. I'm glad that I can go through unpredictable situations. It's a good thing.

Most people treat the news media like the exercise bike they have in their basement. They're glad it's there but they never use it.

Plant the love of the holy ones within your spirit; don't give your heart to anything, but the love of those whose hearts are glad.

My mom always worked, and I certainly don't want to look back and think, 'Well, I don't have kids, but I'm glad I did that sitcom.'

I was of the type who gets bullied rather than the one who does the bullying, which I'm glad about. I'd rather be that than a bully.

I don't have perfect pitch, but I have relative pitch. I'm glad I don't have perfect pitch because perfect pitch can drive you crazy.

I feel very proud in what we've created in the 'Spiderwick' stories. And, frankly, I am glad we are ending the series on a high-note.

People come up to me and say, 'Can I just thank you for writing my life?' And I reply, 'I'm glad someone else is as idiotic as I am.'

I like to make other people feel good, and if receiving my autograph brings them a little bit of pleasure, then I'm so glad to do it.

For me, any chance to serve Singapore even in its limited capacity... I would be glad to take it up and use it to serve Singaporeans.

Life continues to be difficult. It always will be because that's just life. But I am so glad I have put some happiness into the world.

I'm so glad I got an opportunity to meet Shawn Michaels, because he didn't let any of my expectations down. He's the coolest guy ever.

I'm glad Carol Vorderman has left 'Countdown;' I mean, it's not like she did much. She was effectively just an autistic shelf-stacker.

I'd like to say I was smart enough to finish six grades in five years, but I think perhaps the teacher was just glad to get rid of me.

I am glad that my fan believed in me and stood by me in my hard times and continued to enjoy my songs. That's the real victory for me.

The most important lesson I've learned in this business is how to say no. I have said no to a lot of temptations, and I am glad I did.

My kids both had Catholic junior school education, which I'm really glad for - it taught them how to be compassionate, how to be kind.

'Rednecks' always made me nervous to play, but I'm glad I wrote it and I continue to play it. It's just that the language is so rough.

I am certainly glad to be the first Chilean ever playing for Arsenal. I will do my best to achieve every possible thing with the club.

I was never involved in any fights in high school. I'm glad I wasn't. I'm not very big, and I don't find great joy in cuts and bruises.

I'm glad I did South films because I feel they have moulded me. They are really loud and are in a different language, so it's not easy.

You know, my career hasn't exactly been the sort of thing that usually happens to film composers, but I sure am glad it happened to me.

I'm really glad to have made a movie that way on Superbad, because I learned a lot about what can be done and what the limitations are.

I am glad and thankful that my husband forced me to start reading for pleasure, as it took me years to listen to him and pick up a book!

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