When I started out, I struggled, and I was broke a lot. But I'm glad I struggled, and I'm glad I was broke a lot.

I'm so glad cities have personalities, just like people have personalities. That's something that makes me smile.

I definitely learned about the inner workings of campaigns enough to know that I'm glad that I'm not in politics.

It is a strange world, Oxford - quite claustrophobic. I was often glad I was only there for eight weeks at a time.

Actually, I never work in movies for money. I'm glad when I get well-paid, but it's not always the case - trust me.

Don't tell your problems to people: eighty percent don't care; and the other twenty percent are glad you have them.

I'm so glad that all the work that my family and I are doing is yielding positive results and making actual change!

One's character is reflected in their choices after all. I'm glad to have been making ones that make my heart soar.

Growing up I felt like my nose was big. I was always like, 'I'm going to get a nose job one day'. I'm glad I didn't.

I'm glad we turned into a big-time touring band later in life. In fact, it's almost like we planned it out that way.

I was glad to know that 'Caravan' was one of the first movies from Bollywood that was loved by the Chinese audience.

Everyone brings their top game to Endeavour. We're very lucky. I'm glad people love it because that's our intention.

I am glad that 'Lust Stories' is coming on Netflix as opposed to the kind of commercial release it was going to get.

When I fly British Airways, I can't help but read the free Daily Mail, which makes me glad I am leaving the country.

I've continued to pursue other interests in my downtime, but I'm glad I'm a musician. It's the perfect career for me.

I wasn't raised Christian. I certainly had to seek Him out and find Him, and it's changed my life. I'm so glad I did.

Working with Subhash Ghai is always a different experience. Subhashji is my mentor. I'm always glad to work with him.

I love 'Mean Girls.' I held out on watching it for a long time, but I'm so glad I finally did. Tina Fey is brilliant.

Youth is to all the glad season of life; but often only by what it hopes, not by what it attains, or what it escapes.

They say that every Jewish person is supposed to love one black person in his life. I'm glad Lorne Michaels chose me.

I'm glad that my music has helped other people as it's helped me. It makes me glad that I did what I did with my life.

I'm glad you're doing this story on us and not on the WNBA. We're so much prettier than all the other women in sports.

'Green Lantern' I screen-tested for twice. I fought for the role. And I'm glad I did, because I felt like I earned it.

A lot of people have been asking me questions about IVF and surrogacy, and I'm glad that I can be a mouthpiece to that.

I'm glad I won it because when I grew up the Pulitzer was the award that every composer wanted and I was like that too.

I'm 23, and if I wanted to release a record when I was 17, I could have released a record, but I'm really glad I didn't.

I think about all of the freaking talent shows I've tried out for in my life, and I'm so glad I didn't make any of them.

I have played a boxer, a cowboy, a knight, a prince, an elf and a pirate. I am so glad to have done all of that already.

I'm glad that I walked into my purpose. I'm glad that I walked into something that was a smooth transition from football.

I am really happy with the increased recognition that goalkeepers are getting now. I'm glad to be a leading part of that.

I was even a little glad that if it wasn’t going to be me she wanted, it was going to be someone who really deserved her.

You can't open anything after your 50. You have to wait 'til people stop by the house. 'Oh my God, I'm glad you're here.'

I'm glad I didn't get to WWE until I did because I was more complete at 32 than I was at 25. It all happens for a reason.

Voter fraud happens on both sides of the aisle. And if nothing else, I'm glad Democrats are acknowledging that it exists.

I'm glad I had to wait until my 40s for success. I was not a mature young man and would probably have gone off the rails.

Whether they're glad or mortified to have said whatever, Paul Fein wasn't going to let such good quotes get away from us.

Playing in America led to me getting a chance. Kicking around in the non-leagues I was going nowhere so I'm glad I did it.

It's embarrassing to go through any rebellious stage in front of people that you love and respect, and yet I'm glad I did.

Avant-garde music is sort of research music. You're glad someone's done it but you don't necessarily want to listen to it.

I'm glad now, at age 66, that I never used alcohol or tobacco... I've buried a lot of friends who used tobacco or alcohol.

I'm glad I came to Palace because I am getting the game time I wanted. I am also learning to fight with some good players.

I'm glad my name stands for the principle that everyone has the right to force the government to justify his imprisonment.

I'm glad that I had the upbringing I did where I was just part of what everyone else was a part of. And prom and all that.

There's generally a couple of months' gap between shows. And I am rather glad it's been that way because I am a workaholic.

Hello, I must be going, I cannot stay, I came to say, I must be going. I’m glad I came, but just the same, I must be going.

I like the mystery of seeing someone like Mickey Rourke do his thing. I don't know how he does it, but I'm glad he does it.

I'm so glad that Hollywood and America are embracing women when they get in their 40s instead of putting us out to pasture.

Columbia tried to put me behind other groups, so I didn't wanna wait, they let me out of the contract and I'm glad they did.

When I came out, I told my stepmother Gladys, and she just said she had known for years and was glad I wasn't lying anymore.

I'm glad I lived such a full life before I settled down into a family because I got to enjoy it and get it out of my system.

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