And uh, I'm glad that I still have my hands and my eyes to work with.

Be not glad at the misfortune of another, though he may be your enemy.

I don't miss playing for the national side, I am glad to be out of it.

I am glad that people have become more accepting of female characters.

I am so bad that He had to die. I am so loved that He was glad to die.

Connecticut is home for life. I'm so glad I chose to go to school here.

Dancing is a tough career, but I'm glad I spent it at the Royal Ballet.

I would be willing, yes glad, to see a battle every day during my life.

I'm really glad I got to represent my country and make my people proud.

This is a lifelong dream of mine and I'm very very glad to be with you.

I'm glad to have a couple a quid in my pocket to be able to enjoy life.

I'm glad that I still have the ability to tour in Europe. I do love it.

I am glad that I wrote something that brought joy to millions of people.

I'm so glad I'm not in college anymore. I'm so glad I'm not having kids.

I'm glad to see the press now referring to the open-ended Richter scale.

I'm glad to be a part of 'Botched' and I'm thankful for the opportunity.

Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

I'm glad that it worked out that I get to act and play music and perform.

I'm so glad I didn't go into the big-music industry until I was 19 or 20.

I'm just glad that I have bragging rights to working with Bugs and Daffy.

I'm glad a genre writer has got a knighthood, but stunned that it was me.

I was always pale. And I'm glad that I can be open about my paleness now.

When a man dies, and his kin are glad of it, they say, "He is better off."

I'm glad we haven't got newspapers now. It's been much nicer without them.

Industry has been very good to me. I am glad that destiny brought me here.

I'm kind of glad the web is sort of totally anarchic. That's fine with me.

I'm glad that I didn't get a part in 'Scream 2' and become a star in 1995.

I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.

I'm always glad that other people are way smarter about my poems than I am.

This is where I break one last taboo: I'm incredibly glad I'm not a granny.

I've always wanted to be a professional golfer and I'm glad that came true.

In the search for a new challenge I'm glad that I came across ADO Den Haag.

Sometimes I've called writing a disease. If so, I'm glad that it caught me.

I'm glad God has all the answers, 'cause I barely understand the questions.

Glad-tidings to he who knows his own faults more than other people know it.

A celebrity is one who is known to many persons he is glad he doesn't know.

Glad to see you’re still breathing.” – Caleb “Glad to be breathing.” – Nick

I've got the brain of a four year old. I'll bet he was glad to be rid of it.

I'm glad the truth is out. I'm glad everyone knows I'm innocent, not guilty.

But on the other side I am very glad that I can at least enjoy some freedom.

In terms of my career, I am glad about the steps and moves that I have made.

I'm glad to see that BMW is bringing an electric car to market. That's cool.

You can miss someone every day and still be glad you don't have to see them.

I am so glad to have found a sister in Sonam Nair. She makes work such a joy.

I'm so glad this worked out for me, I do think I know how to be a good model.

We need children to play the parts in movies. I'm just glad it's not my kids.

There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep.

I'm just glad my gold medal's at home, because I'd hate to try to win another.

I was crazy. And I was too much of a diva. I'm glad I'm not like that anymore.

I'm just glad to be feeling better. I really thought I'd be seeing Elvis soon.

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