I get tweets every single day going, like, 'I'm so glad you weren't on 'The X Factor.''

I am glad to learn that the Parliament Bill has been passed for the Darlington Railway.

I was glad to play in the Negro Leagues. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

I don't like religion much, and I am glad that in the Bible the word is not to be found.

I was glad to have had some dance background because some of the dances are pretty wild.

I am glad I have a partner like Tahira who is very brave, strong, who is an inspiration.

I'm glad acting sunk its teeth into me, because now I can't imagine doing anything else.

I'm so glad teenagers can look up to young girls and realize it's okay to be voluptuous.

Aren't you glad that God doesn't give you only that which you remember to thank him for?

I'm always glad to see somebody rethink something rather than reproduce something I did.

I've said all along, 'I'm glad to be a Jet. I'm happy to be a Jet.' That's never changed.

One of the things I was so glad that happened to me on Knots was that I learned to relax.

You were only truly patriotic if you had a laborer for a grandfather and were glad of it.

I'm a big fan of Denzel Washington, and when I met him, he was just cool. And I was glad.

I am very glad I did 'EastEnders,' and I'm flattered that people still remember me in it.

But I'm glad I'm not one of those actresses who is just so ready to open up for everyone.

I've had some people tell me they're glad I'm a normal girl. Of course I'm a normal girl!

I've done all kinds of things I said I wouldn't do and, of course, now I'm glad. Thrilled.

Somebody asked what I wanted on my gravestone. I'm just going to put: 'Glad I Could Help.'

If you write something wrong enough, I'll be glad to make up a new witticism just for you.

Now I ask you to make your sacrifice. Take a gamble. I took the plunge and I'm glad of it.

I know a lot of people on the field - players, coaches, managers - are glad that I'm gone.

Obviously, I'm not a trained actress, and right now I'll come out and say I'm glad I'm not.

I'm glad I've been offered songs from various genres, but I love singing melodies the most.

I shall be glad when you have strangled the invincible respectability that dogs your steps.

I'm so glad that I didn't give up on myself and there were people who didn't give up on me.

I'm truly glad I've managed to get the public interested in questions about basic research.

Physically I'm tired at the end of the day and quite glad to be reading in bed by midnight.

I didn't spend a lot of time on national security the American people will be glad to know.

Markets can do many wonderful things, which is why I'm glad to live in a capitalist country.

I feel whatever happens, happens for a reason. I am just glad the way my journey worked out.

I would be glad to share the screen with anyone as long as I love my character and the story.

I'm glad to see a lot of patriotism in this country - I haven't seen that since World War II.

I'm so glad this is the last day of these thing, I get so tired of listening to my own voice.

Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave.

I loved football. I'm so glad I played. But I didn't think it was wise for me to play longer.

Fatherhood is the best thing that could happen to me, and I'm just glad I can share my voice.

Investors have no reason to feel bearish. True value investors are glad the markets are down.

My Nigerian colleagues gave me a good impression of the Premiership and I am glad to be here.

I still get laughed at but it doesn't bother me, I'm just so glad to hear laughter around me.

Something about Floridians, man - they are good to me. I'm glad my comedy translates to them.

Of course WE never had to do nude scenes. I'm glad, too, because I'm susceptible to pneumonia.

People used me, in a way, to achieve something, and I was glad of it. I was just doing my job.

I'm glad I'm a comedian. Otherwise, my life would just be a series of undocumented low points.

I'm truly glad there are so many options on television that are for grown and thinking people.

Mostly I'm proud to be an African-American woman, but I'm glad I have a universal look as well.

I'm glad you can't talk on your cells while the plane is in the air. That would drive me crazy.

I'm very glad to have something to be passionate about. I can't imagine a life without passion.

The best-adjusted people are the ‘psychologically patriotic,’ who are glad to be what they are.

I'm really glad Westerns have had a revival. Hopefully our little resurgence will last a while.

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