I'm always on my guard now.

I guard my privacy zealously.

I'm prepared to guard anyone.

I know I can play point guard.

I play everything but point guard.

I'm a big guard, whether a 1 or 2.

I played point guard my whole life.

It's kind of like, I'm just a guard.

I have no handles, I'm no point guard.

I wasn't a point guard. I was a killer.

Kris Dunn is a very athletic point guard.

I wouldn't call myself a real point guard.

I always think of myself as a point guard.

I know that guys can't guard me one-on-one.

To fake it is to stand guard over emptiness.

Nobody in the world can guard me one-on-one.

The Tea Party is a rear guard, not a vanguard.

Yes, I'm of the old guard, liberal Republican.

Chauncey Billups is really not a scoring guard.

You ask what position I play, I say point guard.

There's always a good point guard in this league.

We cannot let our guard down in the face of terror.

I would rather be a security guard than a rock star.

It's hard to guard somebody like myself. It's tough.

Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.

There's no problem with a guard of honour in any way.

I didn't see myself as any advance guard, or feminist.

I am a point guard. It's a job that I'm not scared of.

My father was a security guard. I was a security guard.

For us to be a really good team, everyone has to guard.

Good actions are a guard against the blows of adversity.

You never want to be caught off guard on the red carpet.

Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues.

I still say, to this day, I could not guard Nigel Lloyd.

People mess up. They say things when their guard is down.

At the end of the day, a point guard's got to do his job.

I was just taught, the team goes how the point guard goes.

You say you're a comedian, you always have to be on guard.

Do this rubber guard stuff and I'll punch you in the nose.

I love when people think it's going to be easy to guard me.

I wanted to be a guard. I wanted to be 6'8' and stay there.

If I improve on the jump shot then I will be hard to guard.

Al Jefferson. One-on-one on the post, man, can't guard him.

I can't name a backup point guard better than me in the NBA.

Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue.

I always thought I could do everything that a guard could do.

I realize the responsibility of being a starting point guard.

I don't want to be called a point guard, but I can't stop it.

Unfortunately, I've been burned a lot. So I have my guard up.

Airport security exists to guard us against terrorist attacks.

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