I'm bigger than most two guards.

The Suns keep great point guards here.

Horse Guards is my favourite building in London.

I just love playing with point guards with high Iqs.

I think we should let our guards down a little bit more.

I don't have big security guards. I don't have an entourage.

I don't envy guards. They're quick little monkeys, those guys.

I measure myself against everybody, not just the shooting guards.

If I can hit a couple shots early, the opponent guards me in a different way.

The point guards that I like are the ones that are playing like point guards.

I have the habit of always saying thank you to police and guards who watch us.

Point guards love it when a guy can pick and pop and make a shot and make threes.

Every matchup is very important regardless of who the bigs are, who the guards are.

Most coaches are mostly small guards because they think guards have more knowledge.

There's tons of point guards in this league. There's good point guards on bad teams.

We've had to be escorted out of venues, things like that. We get security guards now.

I'm one of those people who fiercely guards their privacy, so I hate doing interviews.

It's fine to have armed guards, but don't then tell everyone else they can't own a gun.

I want to be one of those point guards who knock down shots you have to get over the top.

Look for rash guards that come treated, for further sun protection, and never forget your hat!

I used to watch big guards and how they handled the ball and made plays. Guys like Joe Johnson.

I can't even go to the mall anymore. I have to bring 17 security guards... or it feels like it.

We did it. Make no mistake: We have written history. Today there's a change of guards in Denmark.

I don't want security guards. I don't think security guards are particularly good for your writing.

The walls, the bars, the guns and the guards can never encircle or hold down the idea of the people.

People think that just because you're a center, you're not as smart as the guards or the smaller guys.

I'm a big hit with guards at security. They're the center of my fan base, the airport security guards.

My earliest memories are going into prisons. Going through metal detectors, getting searched by guards.

You can ask all the best players in the NBA - there's not one player in the NBA that guards them like me.

Forwards are either too tall, and I'm too quick for them, or guards are too small, and I shoot over them.

The NBA has the best point guards in the world, so it is important that I come ready to play every night.

It isn't brave to stand up for gun control in a building surrounded by armed guards. It's simply elitist.

When you have guards that are versatile, it just makes it a lot easier in terms of who you put on the court.

The prison system in Norway is fairly civilized, by world standards, and so are the prisoners and the guards.

Most people who work at home find they do not have the benefit of receptionists who serve as personal guards.

Live action movies are someone else's story. With animation, audiences can't think that. Their guards are down.

You can't compare my numbers to the other point guards. I'm a different kind of player - if you like it or not.

We've got to understand that the whole nature of the way American democracy guards its freedom has been changed.

To prevent the theft of 'Ben-Hur's sets, guards were prowling the back lot long after production had been shut down.

Our bigs do a lot for us guards to get us shots, to get us shots, to get us open buckets, that they deserve the praise.

I try to get there three hours before the game, talk with the ushers and the security guards, the coaches and the fans.

I think people let their guards down when they think that they're not being intimidated or they're not being threatened.

Whoever feels predestined to see and not to believe will find all believers too noisy and pushy: he guards against them.

I never let anyone pluck, including myself, unless my mom approves. She guards my eyebrows. She's like the eyebrow police!

I don't think you negotiate with people by going around telling them that they're like Nazi guards or it's all about prosecco.

Let me tell you something, I'm a big believer, when it comes to quarterbacks and point guards: Who's your dad? Who's your dad?

One good way of measuring the mood in Israel is just how alert or relaxed the guards at every restaurant entrance appear to be.

I try to exploit things against everybody; that's part of the game: beat the guy that guards me while you're beating their team.

I would do 'Superbad,' and the next offers you would get would all be crazy cop characters or crazy security guards or something.

There were no artists in Ossining, which was the home of Sing Sing prison. Most of the parents of the guys I knew were guards there.

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