Beware of the guy praying loudest in the amen corner.

I have to humbly say people really like the bad guys.

I'm a silly guy, I love wit and cynicism and sarcasm.

I think it's great if a guy has a good sized package.

I couldn't work my way into being a good-looking guy.

I'm the kind of guy that I never forget my teammates.

Guys act strange around me. I swear I don't know why!

I don't know how to put on any tough guy pretensions.

It's nothing personal, but I'm going to kill this guy

Guys like me on the investor side are a dime a dozen.

I feel like I've exhausted guys and male friendships.

There's too much money and too many nice guys around.

No one ever writes a book in which he is the bad guy.

I was meant to play the bad guy, for always and ever.

[Vincent Price] was the funniest damn guy I ever met.

I don't really study the guys that I'm racing against.

Donald Trump is a pretty casual guy. He calls me Paul.

I'm not the kind of guy who wants to be on a pedestal.

I always just wanted to be a cheesy guy on television.

It is decidedly not true that 'nice guys finish last'.

I'm just a cool type of guy who's all about positives.

It's kind of hard to ask a dead guy what he did wrong.

Anybody who gives their car to a valet isn't a car guy

They're my mistakes. ... I didn't pick the right guys.

Dhoni is one guy who doesn't know the meaning of fear.

I'm a very humble guy, but of course I think I'm dope.

I'm a sucker for any guy with an accent with any kind.

I'm a simple guy. There's nothing fancy about my life.

Obama's an angry guy. He's got a chip on his shoulder.

So. Are you guys here to convert me or sell me siding?

You should never need a guy to make you feel complete.

You guys at Fox can't seem to get your facts straight.

This guy, Barack Obama's as bad as Hillary Clinton is.

I'm not an hour late. You guys were just an hour early.

My work is more important than I am. I'm just some guy.

Wherever there's a cop beatin' up a guy, I'll be there.

For once I'm not the guy losing my temper all the time.

Most single guys I know think fatherhood is terrifying.

Personally, I'd prefer a guy who wants to see my boobs.

I'm not the guy to ask about the most up to date stuff.

I date guys who are five, 10, 15 years older than I am.

Do you guys like impressions? "Why?" That was Socrates.

I want to be a guy, but I want to wear a lot of makeup.

I'm a Hawaiian shirt guy. I've made that life decision.

Where's there's money involved, there are no good guys.

I'm a country guy from Mississippi who keeps it simple.

Working with David Ayer...the guy is a great filmmaker.

I'm a much happier guy than a lot of people think I am.

I didn't want to be the guy who screwed up 'Toy Story.'

I always like playing the bad guys. They have more fun!

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