I don't have an issue finding guys attractive.

I don't want to be a guy that has got one cap.

Guys are just too fast and too big in the NFL.

I just want to be treated like an average guy.

Barack Obama is clearly a smart guy, talented.

What is a champion but a guy that didn't quit?

I'm a guy so I equate vulnerability with fear.

I was always a 'grass is greener' kind of guy.

I'm not a big birthday guy; I never have been.

I'm not a genius. I'm just a hard-working guy.

Don't treat good guys like you treat bad guys.

I'm definitely not a "Fast and a Furious" guy.

They ought to create a new league for that guy.

The good guy only gets the girl in a soppy way.

I'm not a party guy. I don't carouse very much.

I'm a nice guy, but I like to get into trouble.

Four guys from England took us all by the hand.

I'm a very private, very reclusive kind of guy.

I've always wanted to be a guy with a rec room.

Other guys read Playboy. I read annual reports.

I'm a creative guy, artistically with graphics.

You'll never meet a nicer guy than Owen Wilson.

I hate gold. I'm sort of a sterling-silver guy.

I was a third string guy for a couple of years.

Uh oh, this guy needs coffee and croolers stat.

Sometimes I think I'm a really interesting guy.

I really lost vision of the guy and it's on me.

I'm still one of the guys and I always will be.

The guy who trains the hardest, the most, wins.

I never want to be the poster guy. It's not me.

I'm innocent. I've done nothing. I'm a nice guy.

Who wouldn't want to catch a guy in a bear suit?

I was the only guy with any bit of anarchy left.

I seem to be a long-term relationship kinda guy.

I want to be that counted-on guy to score goals.

A guy that has more knowledge has the advantage.

I've never been a big party guy or super social.

I'm a doofus from the Valley, a blue-collar guy.

The best villains are the nicest guys in person.

You would be amazed what the ordinary guy knows.

I'm not really a tourist attraction kind of guy.

I'm a positive guy, even if I don't smile a lot.

Most people don't see Hamlet as an old bald guy.

I am a guy who talks about bacon and escalators.

I'm not a guy that sits around and does nothing.

The Democrats in particular are do-nothing guys.

It's always easy to get parts when you're a guy!

Every day I live by only one rule, be a good guy.

Big guys like you and me aren't allowed to whine.

I'm not the guy that thinks I'm a perfect singer.

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