I like a guy who uses his hips when he's dancing.

I'm not going to be the guy who sold the last CD.

Guys are kind of retarded until they're about 30.

The way I look at it, I'm a guy who acts to live.

We fell in love last night. He's the coolest guy.

If you can hit a guy once, you can hit him twice.

What do you say to a guy that says a tree's sexy.

You do what you do best, try to stop guys like me

I'm not a guy who needs to read motivation books.

You know what they say about guys with big hands.

My ideal guy would be funny and fun to be around.

I am a young guy, but I have a winning mentality.

I'm what you'd call a regular guy with a big job.

I've often been the guy who doesn't get the girl.

BSB are a great bunch of guys, I really like them

I funded this guy [Ted Cruz]. I gave him a check.

You can be a nice guy that wants to kill himself.

I'm not a greasy food guy. I don't eat like that.

Guys are idiots, till they're what, 40 years old.

Donald Trump is just a get-things-done kinda guy.

I'm one of those guys that never get embarrassed.

Hey, yummy leather guy? Can you hear me? (Amanda)

When the law disarms good guys, bad guys rejoice.

They have bad taste. I am not a good-looking guy.

The buck stops with the guy who signs the checks.

I'm the type of guy who wants to make every play.

Even in real life, I'd rather hang out with guys.

Frank Zappa... was Beethoven for insane rock guys.

Carbohydrate is the bad guy. You have to see that.

Jewelry is fine on some guys, but it's not for me.

Brian Cox is the nicest guy, but he's so arrogant.

I'm the same kind of guy before all this happened.

The guy is the greatest male athletes of all time.

Lita wait! I need advice on taking 5 guys at once!

I was analyzing the guys' nonverbal communication.

If the guy's a cutie, you've gotta tap that booty.

Guys with nice person names try to be sympathetic.

Sorry. I'm not, like, medieval torture expert guy.

I'm not the kind of guy who just goes up to women.

I'm just a simple guy swimming in a sea of sharks.

Never miss an opportunity to look like a nice guy.

You know, I'm kind of a wild crazy workaholic guy.

I refuse to grow up. I won't become the adult guy.

Steroids are for guys who want to cheat opponents.

Thelonius Monk was not exactly 'the guy next door'.

Whoever supports the farmer is the guy for America.

Im not a bad guy. People who know me know who I am.

I take a lot of pitches. Some guys hate to do that.

I actually am a phobic twitchy sort of nervous guy.

Im only as good as my team, I love you guys so much

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