A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody.

I ride for my guys. That's the bro code.

My dad was the funniest guy I ever knew.

Some guys look better as they get older.

Can I, just one time, play the good guy?

I'm a sucker for a guy with a big organ.

I consider myself a relatively moral guy

I told you guys... don't stop believing.

I hate when a guy brags... or he sweats.

I thought I would be a guy on the radio.

For the choke, there are no 'tough guys'

Relax, the bad guys don’t knock. (Romeo)

Do I really look like a guy with a plan?

Man. Being mostly dead is hard on a guy.

There are guys out there faster than me.

I'm not Mr. Nice Guy, I'm a tough cookie

I'm a guy that likes to sit in one place

I'm like the annoying guy in the street.

As a kid I didn't root for the bad guys.

My hair is made of actual fire, you guys.

In war, good guys always become bad guys.

Guys like us got nothing to look ahead to

I was a big Dave Winfield guy growing up.

I never, ever said that I was a nice guy.

The guy I read and I love is Irvin Yalom.

I'm just a cool guy. It's just in my DNA.

Nobody likes to see a stupid guy wise up.

BMX is kind of a big guy sport, you know.

I love it when a guy compliments my vibe.

I'm a sci-fi guy. But I like fantasy too.

Would they call me a diva if I were a guy?

Rich white guys. That's the true minority.

It's fun to be the guy everybody looks to.

I try to execute pitches and get guys out.

Open books, not legs. Blow minds, not guys

I'm the hype guy, I'm the high-energy guy.

I'm the guy that made Joe DiMaggio famous.

You guys line up alphabetically by height.

To some people I'll always be the bad guy.

I'm not a clotheshorse or a big shoes guy.

Never trust a guy who plucks his eyebrows.

I learned my realism from guys like Kafka.

Bachelor parties are for the married guys.

I'm very open to dating and finding a guy.

I want to be a guy who can be relied upon.

You could say I'm a laid-back kind of guy.

Women put guys through tests all the time.

You've never met a more flawed guy than me.

I loved Allan Dwan. He was a tough old guy.

I'm a 21st century guy, secure in who I am.

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