I do not pick the wrong guys. They pick me.

Our guys have a vision of something bigger.

I never killed a guy who didn't deserve it.

I'm definitely a boot-scootin' kind of guy.

I'm very much an Enlightenment kind of guy.

Sexy ain't guys like Churchill and Lincoln.

Guy Fieri's hair is the front lawn to hell.

I'm not the kind of guy who wakes up angry.

I'm an all-or-nothing kind of guy, I guess.

I was always the smallest guy on the field.

I'm not a selfish guy, I'm not a stats guy.

I don't always get to do a lot of bad guys.

I don't watch television. I'm not a TV guy.

Cars mean nothing to me. I'm not a car guy.

I'm a pretty informal guy. I ride a Harley.

At least I had that, one guy understood me.

I've got a sense of humor. I'm a funny guy.

I've always been a guy who likes big games.

I'm not the most talkative guy in the world.

I'm not the fastest guy or the quickest guy.

Yeah, I'm the go-to guy for Mexican priests.

I'm a dumb guy. My point of view is limited.

Guys like you make life easy for some women.

I'm a big romantic, traditional, cheesy guy.

I'm a bad girl. I always fall for good guys.

But I let it slide, because, hello, hot guy.

I think the 'South Park' guys are brilliant.

I am not the most eloquent guy in the world.

Quick guys get tired; big guys don't shrink.

Larry Walker paved the way for guys like me.

Dinner, basketball game, four guys - classic.

Every guy looks in his pocket and then votes.

I could make the bad guys good for a weekend.

The guys have told me not to quit my day job.

Basically, this guy was a saint, so we drink.

I went in saying I wanted to be the food guy.

Discipline is tough for a guy who is a rebel.

From now on, match me with one guy at a time.

I'm in no rush. One day I'll find a nice guy.

I still love a lot of the guys who just paint

My Fox guys, I love every single one of them.

What's wrong with being a boring kind of guy?

You are all angels, you guys know that right?

I'm not a joke guy; I'm not a stand-up comic.

He's a really nice guy, if only I weren't me.

I'm not the kind of guy who has best friends.

I'm a movie guy - I can get lost in anything.

It's so enjoyable to play a bad guy, you know.

I'm an ordinary guy with an extraordinary job.

I try to connect with the everyday, every guy.

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