Secure property in hand leads to peace in mind.

Fire is always ready to burn the hand it warms.

A rugged stone growes smooth from hand to hand.

Brothers don't shake hands. Brothers gotta hug.

Four guys from England took us all by the hand.

People with clenched fists can not shake hands.

Question authority; but, raise your hand first.

If dirt were trumps, what hands you would hold!

Holding an Olympic Games means evoking history.

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

I make a pussy purr with the stroke of my hand.

Creative writing and literacy go hand and hand.

Put forth thy hand, reach at the glorious gold.

nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

You hold in your hands the future of the world.

Fiction, on the other hand, is like swamp fire.

Alex McLeish has just had his hands in his head

Food is much better off the hand than the fork.

Bare hands grip success better than kid gloves.

Till our King Henry had shook hands with Death.

Hunger and self-control do not go hand in hand.

The wise hand does not all the tongue dictates.

Often Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity.

Time touches all things with a destroying hand.

All's well with thee if thou art in just hands.

A bird in the hand is worth what it will bring.

If you shake my hand, better count your fingers

When I have a camera in my hand, I know no fear.

Only the dead fail to reach out with both hands.

I saw a Werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand

Men are creatures with two legs and eight hands.

A burden in the bush is worth two on your hands.

I do not shake hands from a sanitary standpoint.

.. international hand of freindship. A cigarette

We set ourselves to bite the hand that feeds us.

Hands that picked cotton can now pick the mayor.

He who fears from near at hand often fears less.

The human hand allows the mind to reveal itself.

Money is like an arm or leg - use it or lose it.

I took a hundred dollars from a blindman's hand.

Fingers get habits - have memories of their own.

Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray.

It's best to give while your hand is still warm.

When hands are joined, no one can point fingers.

I can count on one hand how many people I trust.

God is looking for clean hands and a pure heart.

Your hands can't catch what your eyes can't see.

God looks at the clean hands, not the full ones.

When God plays guitar he uses Jeff Beck's hands.

A well-balanced person has a drink in each hand.

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