I don't like high heels.

I always wear high heels.

I do not improvise in heels.

I wear high heels for long legs.

Now I can wear high heels again.

I don't wear a lot of high heels.

High heels are pleasure with pain.

High heels off; I'm feeling alive.

High heels empower women in a way.

I pretty much only wear high heels.

Life's too short to wear high heels.

You put high heels on and you change.

I have to take my shoes off, you guys.

I hate high heels, more than anything.

Literally, these [heels] slow you down.

I'm terrible in high heels. I'm so bad.

I never wore high heels in my hometown.

A willing heart adds feather to the heel.

Supply always comes on the heels of demand.

No one wears high heels all day, every day.

For me there ain't no high heel high enough!

I actually think I think better in high heels.

Give him enough rope and he will hang himself.

It's hard not to be sexy in a pair of high heels.

The willingness to learn new skills is very high.

Haughtiness is the high heel shoe of the low men!

I would like a taller guy so I can wear high heels.

You can't do TLC dances successfully in high heels.

I want to die with my high heels on, still in action.

[Please let my daughter] not have to wear high heels.

Leather, high heels, and a bad attitude. Here I come.

I can't walk in high heels, never mind dance in them.

Just advertising departments with legs and high heels.

Walking in high heels should be made an Olympic sport.

I wear high heels and dresses. I am a total girly girl.

I was born in high heels and I've worn them ever since.

Satiety is a mongrel that barks at the heels of plenty.

Feminism doesn't mean hating pink, make-up and high heels!

The idealist walks on tiptoe, the materialist on his heels.

If high heels were so wonderful, men would be wearing them.

If you can fight in high heels, you can walk in high heels.

I'm either in one of two things: high heels or cowboy boots.

I fell out of the womb and landed in my mother's high heels.

I always wear high heels - I simply feel naked without them.

A man in high heels is the most dangerous thing in the world.

I'm done growing. I only grow when I put my high heels on now.

I do everything the man does, only backwards and in high heels!

To look long and lean, wear a wide-leg trouser with high heels.

When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use.

I'll be wearing my high heels, even if I'm up to my knees in mud

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