You have to continue to hone your craft.

All I've done since I was young was hone my craft.

You just want to hone your craft, whatever it may be.

When you play, you get an opportunity to hone your craft.

I've always been one to do the work and just hone my craft.

My mom has helped me nurture my interest and hone my talent.

I have a thousands wants; it's hard to really hone in on just a few.

As I get older, I realize all I've done is sing and act and hone those skills.

Be honest and accept it if you do not have talent. And if you do, hone your skills.

The only way to learn and hone your craft is by working hard and writing regularly.

What it is you do, no one else does. Just hone in on it, and just get better and greater.

Just give me a good role that allows me to hone my craft, and I am a pretty happy camper.

Throughout the years I have tried to hone my skills to gain mastery over the music in my head.

The idea of being able to polish something for nine months - it's the perfect way to hone your film.

For me, basketball was the way I was able to hone my leadership skills during the heat of competition.

Being a rock and roll band is about spending time on the details so that you can hone your own identity.

I've always enjoyed dancing, and I train myself in it. I try to hone my skills whenever I get the chance.

I've been really trying to hone the art of songwriting in a way that doesn't follow any sort of guideline.

The best part of being on a television series for all those years is that you really get to hone your craft.

The main thing experience has taught me is that one has to sort of hone their relationship to time, you know.

Lots of places to hone your skill as an artist and still earn a paycheck while you're waiting to kick the door down.

People like me for who I am, I don't wanna change that, if anything I just wanna hone my craft and get better at it.

The art of what they call female impersonation, or the drag shows, really helped me to hone what type of woman I was.

Focus on something that you have a passion for and hone that skill; it will make you feel confident about your ability.

Yes, education is the catalyst that will hone and sharpen our talents, skills, and abilities and cause them to blossom.

There's mediocre jazz, mediocre salesmen, mediocre golfers. If you want to be good, you have to really hone your skills.

I'm just a regular guy who had talent and the wherewithal to be able to hone that into something I can make money doing.

I think I'm pretty smart. I think I'm pretty clever. But there's a lot that you hone in on when you finish your education.

Sometimes it's necessary for your sanity to hone in on the things that you love and the people you enjoy hanging out with.

I spent my whole life as a soccer player and I've honed every skill, I continue to hone them, you can never be good enough.

That's what I do in my stand-up. I work hard and hone the material and after a while audiences expect what I do to be good.

When you are young, hone your craft and write shorter pieces instead of novels, because it's really hard to finish a novel.

I learned how to sing in front of a lot of people and to hone my skills alongside some of the greatest performers of all time.

I have learned to listen and to hone my instincts to be perceptive and be receptive to change, to constantly live in ambiguity.

I would love to hone my skills and learn Indian classical music. It's a vast sea of melodies and ragas, and I enjoy it immensely.

We believe that people will use real-time fMRI feedback to hone cognitive strategies that will increase activation of brain regions.

I think one's history and past is important at a certain time in your life, especially as an artist, just to try to hone in on that.

I like getting to the meat of things. You can't get it in a five-minute interview. I like to hone a person. I like to make eye contact.

If you stay cocooned in your own safety net, you cannot grow as an actor. You need to be socially engaged and invested to hone your skills.

I want to go make an original movie. It's all very personal, but I want to define myself a little bit more as a filmmaker and hone my craft.

I feel fortunate that there was a place like the CFL where I could hone my skill and become a consistent football player and have a nice career.

Some of the aspects of my speaking style are inherited and come naturally to me. I didn't take classes, and I didn't do anything to hone my skills.

I hate to debunk the myth - kids don't wanna hear it - but as songwriters, you have to polish your craft a little bit and hone it as much as possible.

Art is something in which you are never an expert at any point of time. It's something you hone all the time and something which is elusive all the time.

Free enterprise empowers entrepreneurs who have ideas and imagination, investors who take risks, and workers who hone their skills and offer their labor.

I hone my craft. I keep going. I light a little fire under myself. I look around for roles that will challenge me. And I'm grateful for all the ones I get.

If you're truly serious about your physique and health, in totality, I think you need to pull out all stops. You need to really just hone in on that warrior within.

A lot of people, including business leaders, think the future belongs to China. Globalization is not a zero-sum game, but we need to hone our skills to stay in play.

Every leader has the responsibility to hone his or her integrity. Many times, there are integrity traps that have a tendency to catch well-meaning leaders off guard.

I played at different restaurants with my dad for a good year before I started doing anything on social media. I wanted to hone my craft before I put anything out there.

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