Life is too short to spend hoping that the perfectly arched eyebrow ...

Life is too short to spend hoping that the perfectly arched eyebrow or hottest new lip shade will mask an ugly heart.

I've got the hottest brand in the world.

I know I was not the hottest chick at school!

I always wanted to be one of the hottest rappers.

The hottest year in global [sic] history was 1934.

The one that burned the hottest is the first to die.

The 'hottest bar in town,' to me, means high energy.

The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire.

Have I mentioned you are the hottest geek I've ever known ?

I don't want to be the next hottest thing, I want longevity.

The hottest thing in the world is to wear pants with stockings.

We in the Senate refer to Sen. Gillibrand as the hottest member.

Then I just moved into being a DJ when that turned into the hottest thing.

I've never wanted to be the hottest star. I always wanted to do good movies.

I'm always attracted to the hottest boy in the room and that never works out.

I'd like to meet a nice girl and leave all those 'hottest bachelor' lists behind.

Florida was a hotbed of professional wrestling, one of the hottest in the country.

The hottest new attraction at Disney World has got to be the new Last Airbender ride.

Still the hottest angel I know," he murmured. "It's beyond me how you're still on staff.

Hottest space that I think is interesting would be education, particularly, like, ages 3-10.

They say I'm the Hottest MC in the Game. If you label me that, I will live up to it. Trust me.

We really suffer from a hot-take disease, wanting to be the first one who has the hottest take.

Film is not a woman's medium. If you weren't the hottest kid in town, men stayed away from you.

I'm not the hottest tuner on the planet, so I normally get someone to come out and do it for me.

The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.

I don't really say or consider myself that like I won't say "yeah I'm the best, yeah I'm the hottest."

I didn't want to do the whole, get the hottest person thing. I wanted to make sure every record felt right.

I am definitely not like the hottest young actress, the most beautiful or whatever. I have my own thing going.

To be considered for the hottest breakthrough MC of 2011, it's obviously an honor, but I want to be the hottest.

My God is a God who wants me to have things. He wants me to bling. He wants me to be the hottest thing on the block.

When I think of myself, I don't think I'm one of the 'hottest chicks in the world.' I have all kinds of insecurities.

When I was a kid, we got in a cipher and battled each other lyrically. We told jokes and made the hottest dance moves.

Gregory Peck is the hottest thing in town. Some say he is a second Gary Cooper. Actually, he is the first Gregory Peck.

People just want the hottest records. It's not really about all the names attached to the project. It's about the work.

Vegas, when we go on tour, is one of the hottest spots for not only people in the United States, but international fans.

The live oak can grow sturdily on the hottest hills of central California, contrasting dark green against the golden grass.

My brother and I always had conversations about me being a rapper. I always used to tell him, 'I'm gonna be the hottest rapper.'

I used to run a night club in Fort Myers, Florida called Norma Jean's Dance Club. That was the hottest spot from Sarasota to Cuba.

I think I'm gonna wear Timberlands until I die, man. They may not be the hottest thing out, but Timbs keep reinventing themselves.

I'm looking for a deal from one of you TV networks to give Snoop Dogg his own hood TV show where I can find America's hottest hood artists.

I was 'The Guy' for NXT, the hottest brand in the entire world. I came through knee surgery and two shoulder surgeries to get to that point.

Getting stuck in a plane for four hours on the tarmac on the hottest day of summer in Italy - it was like being trapped in a boiling tin can.

I understand popular entertainment better than anyone. I want to have the world's No. 1 tennis player, the hottest movie, the biggest artist.

I try to run on the hottest days, at the hottest time, because that's the most difficult time. And sometimes I worry about drying out, and dying.

The Chinese market is very different. One of the things that I believe is that the biggest, hottest tech trend in China right now is O2O, or online-to-offline.

It suddenly occurred to me that the hottest tech startups are solving all the problems of being 20 years old, with cash on hand, because that's who thinks them up.

There are a lot of irritating aspects about large supermarkets for the wannabe eco-warrior, but the one that gets most of us hottest under the collar is packaging.

Live television is the hottest medium. My passion for sports debate runs hot enough without a camera transporting it into your living room with 10 times more impact.

Many years ago, I was a young and, dare I say it, very hot new comedian. Maybe even the hottest of all if the now defunct Perrier panel of judges were to be believed.

People are always jumping at what's new - who's the next person, who's the hottest thing, or whatever - so to be able to grasp the attention of everybody is difficult.

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