When will all the rhetorical questions end?

The law often permits what honor prohibits.

A lot of stars don't have a sense of humor.

I tended to place my wife under a pedestal.

Wit is an explosion of the compound spirit.

When someone close to you dies, move seats.

If I ever had twins, I'd use one for parts.

Make us laugh and you can pick all pockets.

Friends come and go but enemies accumulate.

Me and my dad used to play tag, he'd drive!

Davis fouls out to third in fair territory.

They muddy the water, to make it seem deep.

Exaggeration is the cheapest form of humor.

My father has a high opinion of his opinion

The speed of time is one second per second.

I've got a sense of humor. I'm a funny guy.

I wish I had AIDS so I could bite somebody.

Do Roman paramedics refer to IV’s as '4's'?

The things that matter most are not things.

Went to the paper shop - it had blown away.

That was like swatting June bugs off a fly.

Why is a carrot more orange than an orange?

It 's the time of year when Canadians mate.

It's hard to fight when you're in a gazebo.

You can't eat your friends and have them too

I will have a foreign-handed foreign policy.

I'm just very amused by five-year-old humor.

I don't need a president with a bucket list!

Do what you do best, and outsource the rest.

I think God has a tremendous sense of humor.

If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?

With my humor, I end up offending everybody!

I try to cope with everything through humor.

Good -humor is goodness and wisdom combined.

When God sneezed, I didn't know what to say.

I think pickles are cucumbers that sold out.

She's a big-hearted girl with hips to match.

I come from a very big family. Nine parents.

Humor's a weapon if you want to make it one.

People with no humor, they're outta my life.

Humor can be one of our best survival tools.

If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

The other day I ... no wait, that wasn't me.

You look like a talent scout for a cemetery.

I like to skate on the other side of the ice.

If its tourist season, why cant we shoot them

Always be sincere, even if you don't mean it.

I only like sports that Bond villains played.

I love British humor. It's just so - surreal.

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