If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and ...

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

What is now proved was once only imagined.

Life is much shorter than I imagined it to be.

I always imagined I could be what I wanted to be.

Rarely has reality needed so much to be imagined.

I never imagined my career would take off this fast.

I've always imagined myself doing well, whatever I did.

Courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined.

From the beginning, I imagined I would have a long work life.

In my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined a sweeter life.

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.

I have the thickest accent of any Nova Scotian you've ever imagined.

I imagined being a famous writer would be like being like Jane Austen.

First of all, I really never imagined myself being a professional athlete.

In the mind, in the heart, I was always home. I always imagined, really, going back home.

I've had an amazing ride. I've been blessed beyond things that I could never have imagined.

The power of the ADA is that it ended up changing my life long before I ever imagined it would.

Making 'Pacific Rim' was a lot like what you imagined making movies would be like when you were 12.

It is one of the superstitions of the human mind to have imagined that virginity could be a virtue.

I never imagined that I'd end up in animation, but marine biology and art collided, and here we are!

I haven't even imagined having a kid yet. It's actually kind of one of my biggest fears, but that's OK.

I was a small kid from Huntington, Long Island. I never imagined that anything like that would happen to me.

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

I was such a mama's boy that no one imagined that I could come into the film line. She wanted me to do a bank job.

God - God's the wrong word - goddess or nature will conspire to transform you in a way you couldn't have imagined.

I imagined my fantasy co-author would look like Miranda Kerr, but have the intellect and comedic timing of Liz Lemon.

When I moved to America, I knew I wanted to be a designer. I never imagined one of my dresses would end up in the Smithsonian.

A building has at least two lives - the one imagined by its maker and the life it lives afterward - and they are never the same.

I got into it just thinking, 'Oh, television, maybe I'll have a go at that.' I could've never imagined that it would get to this.

I was a typical French student of the 1990s - I imagined that, after a short excursion, I would work the rest of my life at home.

I never could have imagined or dreamed where my career would be taking me the way it has with the Goldust character. It's awesome.

Growing up in my mother's Pueblo household, I never imagined a world in which I would be represented by someone who looked like me.

If you look at ancient Chinese paintings, you see mountains, but they are not real mountains; it is something the artists imagined.

My wife asked me once if I weren't a comedian what I would do. I couldn't answer the question. I never imagined doing anything else.

I could never have imagined that, so early in my career, that I'd be ticking off boxes that I've dreamed about since I was a little girl.

It used to be that we imagined that our mobile phones would be for us to talk to each other. Now, our mobile phones are there to talk to us.

I was a workaholic. I never stopped. I lived in fifth gear. I bought cars. I invested in stocks. I made more money than I had ever imagined.

There are powers inside of you which, if you could discover and use, would make of you everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become.

I had imagined doing nuclear physics and cosmic ray work in greater style in peace time. To do modern physics in a small way is of no use of all.

I realised that the 'future' is different to how I imagined it. When I was a kid I thought it would be a bright, shiny Tomorrow's World. It isn't.

I was born in 1935, and as far back as I can remember, I was sketching designs. My first subject was an aircraft, which I imagined myself piloting.

Yo, it's helped me so much. I've connected with so many people that I've never imagined that I would ever know personally. I'm team Internet, for sure.

Since I was a young girl, I always wanted to pursue law studies. I would have never imagined that my career would have taken a complete different route.

It's so much easier to write for a person in your life than to write for some imagined readership, so you write something that's more intimate and true.

I have never imagined doing anything other than football, but now, thinking about it coldly, if I hadn't been a footballer, I would have been a musician.

How do you cause people to believe in an imagined order such as Christianity, democracy, or capitalism? First, you never admit that the order is imagined.

At home, when the heating pipes made noises, I imagined a tiny person was in there skipping with a rope. The fantasy world of tiny things became my escape.

We were astonished by the beauty and refinement of the art displayed by the objects surpassing all we could have imagined - the impression was overwhelming.

When I left the zoo and I sent my chimpanzees to the sanctuary in Florida and imagined what my chimpanzees went through for 18 years, I'm ashamed of myself.

If you could have imagined that someone is happy that Obama is president, it has to be Jimmy Carter because he is no longer the worst president in our history.

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