It is as impossible to translate poetry as it is to translate music.

It is not easy to be honest because it is impossible to be complete.

Farce treats the improbable as probable, the impossible as possible.

Yearning for the seemingly impossible is the path to human progress.

Farce treats the improbable as probable, the impossible as possible.

There are some fundamental values it's impossible to be wrong about.

You can't compete with Sweets' sound and time feel. It's impossible.

The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible.

It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time have good thoughts

In life, there is no such thing as impossible; it's always possible.

Maybe the impossible is possible when you take everything else away.

Men like me are impossible until the day when they become necessary.

It is impossible to be a mathematician without being a poet in soul.

Each temptation leaves us better or worse; neutrality is impossible.

While we pursue the unattainable, we make impossible the realizable.

It is certain because it is impossible. -Certum est quia impossibile

Television has made dictatorship impossible but democracy unbearable.

We tend to believe that things are impossible that are very possible.

Impossible loves. I am very much afraid they can become an addiction.

It would be impossible to be fact-checking Donald Trump all the time.

Perhaps it is impossible for a person who does no good to do no harm.

It really is impossible not to like him. His success was his failure.

Losing a wife can be very hard. In my case, it was almost impossible.

Be strong minded, and always believe that the impossible is possible.

Reasonable argument is impossible when authority becomes the arbiter.

Life is like the Internet: sometimes is almost impossible to connect.

It is impossible to persuade a man who does not disagree, but smiles.

God is the God of the impossible, as well as the God of the possible.

When you have once gained sight, it is impossible to feign blindness.

Nature, always inartistic, takes pleasure in creating the impossible.

Had the Luhyas united, my plans would have been impossible to fulfil .

But it is impossible to replace a person one has loved to distraction.

A translation in verse . . . seems to me something absurd, impossible.

It looks impossible until you do it, and then you find it is possible.

It's impossible to satisfy everyone, and I suggest we all stop trying.

I've never had a clique. It's impossible when you're always traveling.

When we undertake the impossible, we often fail to do anything at all.

Verbal communication about music is impossible except among musicians.

If it is possible, it is done. If it is impossible... it will be done.

Consider nothing impossible, then treat possiblities as probabilities.

I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with the greatest caution.

It is impossible that beauty should ever distinctly appreciate itself.

It's not impossible for a woman - a Black woman - to become President.

If you weren’t an optimist, it would be impossible to be an architect.

I'm the kind of guy that says nothing is impossible when you work hard.

This is why I find racism impossible, because this is against humanity.

To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible.

It's impossible to compete with the dead. I wished I could stop trying.

It is impossible for capitalists and laborers to have common interests.

What some folks call impossible is just stuff they haven't seen before.

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