Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.

What if capitalism is unsustainable, and socialism is impossible?

Certainly nothing is unnatural that is not physically impossible.

Impossible, that blind the mind, and looked out into the unknown.

It's nearly impossible for a criminal to come from a good mother.

It is impossible, to me at least, to be poetical in cold weather.

When you fight for the impossible, sometimes you lose everything.

It is impossible without humility to enjoy anything - even pride.

Weave me a rope that will pull me through these impossible times.

It's the impossible become possible and yet remaining impossible.

Made by Hand is impossible to set down once you start reading it.

What is possible for individual man is impossible for the masses.

In Sea affairs, nothing is impossible, and nothing is improbable.

Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years.

Home is always the impossible subject, multilayered and maddening.

Once created, federal programs are nearly impossible to eliminate.

One impossible day, of an impossible month, of an impossible year.

I don't believe in creation by committee. I think it's impossible.

If you are a hermaphrodite, it is physically impossible to be gay.

If you depend on God's grace there is no such thing as impossible.

I dreamt the impossible dream and I’m living it right this moment.

It is impossible to know who you are until you enter into Samadhi.

The impossible becomes possible when your back is against the wall

Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, the easy elegant.

The impossible is not quite impossible if you put your mind to it.

It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible.

It's almost impossible to be funnier than the people in Washington.

If other people are going to talk, conversation becomes impossible.

It is impossible for one class to appreciate the wrongs of another.

It is impossible to think of France except in terms of individuals.

We all have impossible dreams and we do what we can to pursue them.

There are moments when mental overload can render words impossible.

It is impossible for me to waste my time in helping another person.

It is most unlikely. But--here comes the big "but"--not impossible.

Just because they say it's impossible doesn't mean you can't do it.

It is impossible to repent of love. The sin of love does not exist.

Nothing in this life worth achieving is easy, nor is it impossible.

How womanly it is to ask the unanswerable at the moment impossible.

When articulation is impossible, gesticulation comes to the rescue.

Illness is the opposite of freedom. It makes everything impossible.

A well installed microcode bug will be almost impossible to detect.

Pure and complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy.

Every artist has limits. No one can do everything. It's impossible.

Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.

We have this history of impossible solutions to insoluble problems.

Difficult takes a day Impossible takes a week I do this in my sleep

In a year that has been so improbable, the impossible has happened…

Nothing is impossible. Some things are just less likely than others.

You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.

You can't always be friendly. It's impossible, there isn't the time.

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