I haven't met a woman without insecurities.

Insecurities are debilitating a lot of times.

Girls pour their insecurities into their looks.

I have my share of insecurities, hopes and fears.

I had body insecurities when I was younger. I still do.

Life's too short to deal with other people's insecurities.

When anything bad happens, my insecurities come flooding out.

I think people in general think more about their insecurities.

I have a lot of insecurities, but you learn from your failures.

Many of my deepest insecurities stem from my issues with my dad.

I'd my own insecurities while portraying the role of James Bond.

I suffer anxiety and a lot of insecurities, depression and stuff.

Without insecurities, I think one becomes a little bit of an idiot.

We all have insecurities, but some of us are better at covering them up.

All women have insecurities and bad times. What counts is how you overcome them.

I feel the same way I did when I was in school. I'm having the same insecurities.

I obviously bring all of my insecurities along with me to any role that I tackle.

I was always the guy - out of insecurities, I was always making fun, even as a kid.

I do have my insecurities, but I feel good in my skin, and my heart is full of love.

When you are really in love, you become vulnerable, and insecurities come out of nowhere.

I have insecurities of course, but I don't hang out with anyone who points them out to me.

I think everybody's got their insecurities and hang-ups. Everybody! Unless you're an idiot.

The way I approach my insecurities is by making sure I'm the first person laughing at myself.

Don't let the insecurities of others dull your sparkle. Shine like the star you are born to be.

A lot of things you do to cover up insecurities can be just as harmful to you as anything else.

The more successful I become, the more I want to remain like me, with my defects and insecurities.

I used to make fun of young people when I was 17 - the angst, the insecurities, all those tattoos.

Blurryface is a fictional character and a reference to insecurities, which I think all people have.

When I did dance, I never felt enough. It probably was where I got my biggest insecurities as a kid.

I think the best way to have confidence is not to allow everyone else's insecurities to be your own.

I'm not scared to look like a complete fool in front of people. It's just not one of my insecurities.

Things hurt me just as much as anyone else. My insecurities, failures. I'm vulnerable to comparisons.

Maybe guys also have insecurities, but in a sporting arena, they keep it to themselves. I can't do that.

Never reveal your insecurities to a man, because nine times out of 10 they have no idea they even exist.

I've been a teenage girl, too, so I've had my own insecurities and my own struggles that I've got through.

As long as you have a plan for how you'll live, don't let jealous people turn their insecurities into yours.

I think everybody goes through insecurities when they're younger, and everybody has to grow into their body.

Ananya is a very happy soul, who won't get bogged down by insecurities. I have told her to not imitate anyone.

Dance gives me a lot of confidence and helps me overcome all my insecurities in personal and professional life.

I too had the usual insecurities. I wanted a good house and a healthy bank balance. But I never got cowed down.

When you first are in front of the camera as a young person, you'd be surprised at all the insecurities you can get.

I used to have insecurity about my finances, then I announced that I had debt, and now I don't have any insecurities.

A lot of stuff people said to me when I was younger subconsciously stayed with me and became my biggest insecurities.

When I think of myself, I don't think I'm one of the 'hottest chicks in the world.' I have all kinds of insecurities.

I didn't have any problem bonding with Honey, but I was plagued with insecurities about my ability to bring up my baby.

For 'Chapters', I decided to let go of my insecurities, found myself some talented R&B producers, and worked with them.

My confidence is easy to shake. I am very well aware of all of my flaws. I am aware of all the insecurities that I have.

You win the presidency by connecting with the American people's gut insecurities and aspirations. You win with a concept.

I think my securities far outweigh my insecurities. I am not nearly as afraid of myself and my imagination as I used to be.

I know there are insecurities in being an actor. There are certain compromises you need to make, but they are all worth it.

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