I don't want kids to be distracted by pipe dreams.

We were created to be woman and man and make kids.

I'm just a kid. I've got a lot of stuff to do yet.

I didn't do the typical things that young kids do.

I had a good guitar, and I was a young, young kid.

The relationship I have with my kids is beautiful.

Should have dogs before they have kids. Everybody.

While they are kids, my children must do as I say.

Growing up, I was a kid pretending to be an adult.

I just want to be a great example to younger kids.

I was an altar boy as a kid. And the answer is no.

I’ve longed for kids since I was very, very young.

I've got three kids, and those are mouths to feed.

The momma bears are demanding, 'Protect our kids.'

Growing up, I thought I'd have at least five kids.

My kids remind me every day how much I don't know.

Whatever kids are into, that might be their thing.

I'm a Jewish kid who grew up loving hip hop in NY.

We limit how much technology our kids use at home.

I would rather die than let my kid eat Cup-a-Soup.

When I was a kid everyone used to call me pork 'n.

My secret agenda is to convey my values to my kids.

When I was a kid, I had some Charles Lloyd records.

I would rather die then let my kids eat cup a soup.

Kids are always the only future the human race has.

Since I was a kid I just wanted to be in Nashville.

Making films is like making stuff together as kids.

When I was a kid, I was following black soul music.

Every kid wants to give their family a better life.

Kids believe in Santa; adults believe in childhood.

My kid is a product of the fast computer lifestyle.

To have kids and not be there every night is tough.

What do you care more about? The kids or your hair?

As a kid, my grandma would be dancing all the time.

I'm OK being the veteran, but I'm still just a kid.

I played piano as a kid; I still play a little bit.

I'm a good dad; I spend a lot of time with my kids.

When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults.

Praise your children openly, reprove them secretly.

I don't care if my jokes are appropriate for a kid.

Adults forget that kids are their own best censors.

I love kids, so working with them wasn't a problem.

I always thought I was powerful, since I was a kid.

I will have to earn trust and respect from my kids.

I have two kids, and I don't have to spank my kids.

I'm not a perfect mom, but I'm perfect for my kids.

Sometimes, kids want you to hurt the way they hurt.

Kids never get pissed at their parents. Unheard of.

Every kid needs a mentor. Everybody needs a mentor.

Stick with me, kids. It's about to get so good... -A

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