I had that thing of wanting to prove I was a tough kid.

Every kid has a bug period... I never grew out of mine.

Photographers, like kids, should be seen and not heard.

I was shot in the wrist when I was a kid. Deliberately.

All kids are born geniuses, but are crushed by society.

Baking is how you start kids at cooking in the kitchen.

I want to show America who I am and inspire young kids.

Even then, our family was extraordinary, with ten kids.

Kids are absolutely starved for positive adult contact.

When I was a kid, all I liked were books and chocolate.

I'm trying not to be a kid all the time, but it's hard.

I still get a buzz from seeing young kids making music.

Will Smith is young, hes cool and my kids have his CDs.

I'd be lying if I said, 'No,' to wanting a lot of kids.

You know how kids are. They like to do what parents do.

I don't even have kids. But at heart, I'm a kid myself.

We need to tell kids flat out: reading is not optional.

And part of my vision is to do dynamic videos for kids.

I really value people besides parents who nurture kids.

I smoked some pot as a kid, but I just never did drugs.

I always tell my kids make your vocation your vacation.

Part of my success was having a place to play as a kid.

Some people you shouldn't kid, even if they deserve it.

When I was a kid, I thought I was going to be an actor.

I look crazy. I know I do. Been true since I was a kid!

I'd love to have a child. Either one or 40. I love kids.

I don't want the kids to go through want I went through.

I can really fish - I've been fishing since I was a kid.

I was a very quiet kid. A really sweet kid, I might add.

No matter what parents do, kids retain their uniqueness.

I'm a 21st-century kid trapped in a 19th-century family.

I had a lot of fun with Val Kilmer. He's like a big kid.

I won't be having any more kids, though. Four is enough.

Stay away from philosophy, kids: it will ruin your mind.

I decided then and there I was never going to have kids.

Don't handicap your children by making their lives easy.

My fans are very forgiving. So are my wives and my kids.

I'm hooked on email. That's right, kids, I'm one of you.

Kids have been a great clarifier - incredibly rewarding.

I'd always wanted to write books ever since I was a kid.

My biggest hobby is hanging out with my family and kids.

The HeartBreak Kid Lays Down For absolutely... NOBODY!!!

I was really active as a kid. I was outdoors constantly.

I'm not from a generation of kids that grew up on a Mac.

The reason kids like rock 'n roll is their parents don't

We've had bad luck with our kids - they've all grown up.

Kids are a great excuse for you to stop acting like one.

But think of the violence, it could happen to your kids.

I'd lose my mind if I heard my kid call the nanny Mommy.

My kids never had the advantages I had. I was born poor.

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