Larry David makes me laugh.

You have to act and act now.

I am in love with Larry David.

Larry Johnson was fun to watch.

Larry Brown had quite a resume.

Larry David just makes me laugh.

Larry Kasdan is a great director.

I really want to interview Larry David.

Larry Hagman and I are very old friends.

Larry David is such an incredible talent.

I had a hard time calling Laurence Oliver 'Larry.'

I'm a huge Ang Lee fan and a huge Larry McMurtry fan.

In urban culture, Larry Davis is something of a legend.

This is your life, Larry. Learn to enjoy what you've got.

I'm totally comfortable not being as funny as Larry David.

Larry Brown molded me into an MVP and a Hall of Fame player.

I'm part Bridget Jones, part Larry David. I'm shy; I'm prude.

I love Quentin Tarantino; I love Harmony Korine, Larry Clarke.

I think, Larry, one of the things is I'm a very active person.

I would worry if people always associated me with Larry Sokolov.

Charlie Sheen is to stand-up what Larry Flynt is to standing up.

Larry and I didn't have two nickels together when we got engaged.

Larry Hagman was a huge star, and he was carrying my stuff for me.

So many people say they went to school on 'The Larry Sanders Show.'

Larry Brown thought Steve Francis was a Larry Brown type of player.

Dr. Larry and Viki are the only original characters left on the show.

My fans know the name Larry Holmes and that he always gave it his all.

I cursed [Larry Merchant] out once, and I told him that he was a phony.

Must be a different Larry Wall. There are at least 137 of us in the U.S.

Larry Merchant's just a commentator. He don't know nothing about boxing.

Larry Kasdan wanted us all there, all the time, even if we weren't filming.

Larry Grobel senses there are no answers in life, only questions. Good ones.

I don't watch cop movies much. I TiVo shows. I watch every Larry David show.

Some time ago, I told Larry King that I planned to live to be 102. I still do.

Larry Silverstein has betrayed the public's trust and that of all New Yorkers.

I don't think there's a more battle-hardened veteran anywhere than Larry Summers.

Larry David, he's my hero. I want to be him - I want to act like him - everything.

My biggest pet peeve, I guess, is other comedians criticizing Larry the Cable Guy.

I really like Larry Clark's films, as weird as that is. I like Richard Kern films.

But let me tell you something. Gloria Steinem never helped me out; Larry Flynt did.

I'm not a Larry David. I don't have a 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' and a 'Seinfeld' in me.

Sense of community was really fostered by Larry Laurenzano, who was a great educator.

I am seeing all the guys, like Earnie Shavers, Tex Cobb, and Larry Holmes all the time.

Curb Your Enthusiasm, is not so much about Hollywood. It's more about Larry's weaknesses.

If I put on any pressure. I put it on myself. Nobody else puts pressure on Larry Johnson.

I got really depressed when Sidney Moncrief lost to Larry Bird. That really depressed me.

I've been in some wonderful shows, but nothing holds a candle to 'The Larry Sanders Show.'

Larry only ever wrote one song, and he wrote that with Tony Kaye, I think it was, from Yes.

Larry Drake - I love his work... He plays a very disabled character like the role I'm playing.

I've got to give Larry Bird his due; he was a great player. He knew the game and he was smart.

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