Entrepreneurship is the launching of surprises.

Success is not a resting-place - it is a launching pad.

Small beginnings are the launching pad to great endings.

Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.

There is no point in launching technology before customers are ready to use it.

The point of launching a maternity line, for me, was to do something different.

I wouldn't be comfy going toe to toe launching a new scripted show against broadcast.

Along the way, I learned the key to launching a company. It's all about storytelling.

Launching a business is kind of like a motorboat: You can go very quickly and turn fast.

It's incredible that Apple is launching a streaming service with an ode to broadcast TV.

If you aren't committed to diversity of thought, you have no business launching a startup.

Launching a new TV show is probably one of the most difficult things that a writer can do.

We are excellent at launching Tomahawk missiles; we need to get better at launching ideas.

In the end, we don't believe in launching any type of product if it isn't perfect in our eyes.

I have faith that God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling.

I have no regrets about launching Salon. For the life of me, I can't imagine doing anything else.

The Smiths was an incredibly personal thing to me. It was like launching your own diary to music.

The Smiths was an incredibly personal thing to me. It was like launching your own diary to music.

Libya is a failed state and becoming a launching pad for external operations, as is Sinai in Egypt.

I don't think the choice of launching Sunny Leone as an actor in Hindi cinema was that radical a decision.

Whenever I have launched a new talent, I have taken complete responsibility, like I am launching my own kid.

I jumped between two seven-story buildings in Los Angeles, launching from one rooftop to the other with ramps.

One reason why entrepreneurs are admired is that they often take on a degree of risk in launching a new business.

My main purpose in launching StrongmanAcademy.com is so competitors know how to win and beginners know what to do.

Cease fire is the main and the most important precondition for launching an implementation of the Minsk agreement.

Amazon makes mistakes, including launching a smartphone in 2014 that was a flop and to which I gave a poor review.

I am thinking about launching a wine website where there is a deal and the crowd can dictate how cheap it can get.

If you're a teenager in Palo Alto launching an app, you know from the outset how you plan to finance your business.

I was in 'The Outsiders,' which was a good launching pad for me, but 'The Karate Kid' sent me into a different stratosphere.

A lot of people who want to be serious artists probably don't want to go for a talent show, but it is a great launching pad.

Sparrow Hill Road' is a stand-alone book that ties into the InCryptid universe, not the launching point for a whole new series.

I applaud President Obama for launching his 'My Brother's Keeper' initiative that is aimed to empower our youth to achieve success.

Did bin Laden act alone, through his own al-Qaida network, in launching the attacks? About that I'm far more certain and emphatic: no.

When you think about it, we're strapping strange planks of wood to our feet and launching off of giant snow walls. It's pretty intense.

Launching and seeding awareness of a new tagline is a major financial undertaking. You'd have to be very sure that you needed to do that.

I will reunite with Ananth Nag onscreen after a while for a cameo in Vijayalakshmi Singh's 'Yaanaa,' which sees her launching her daughters.

When I feel a little confused, the only thing to do is to turn back to the study of nature before launching once again into the subjects closest to heart.

There needs to be some standards around launching an ICO and investing in ICOs in the space, and I caution all to tread carefully until those standards emerge.

If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.

At 88 years old - with every intention of living decades longer - I'm still running a company, writing articles, launching new ventures, and fully enjoying life.

Marvel books also feed into the smaller publishers and the fact that this is happening in the same month we're launching Ultimate Fantastic Four is no coincidence.

What I think happens, and that you have to acknowledge though, is that a director uses a book as a launching pad for his own work and that's always very flattering.

There have been a couple of things I've been involved in launching that have been a bit more public, but I've always had other things tipping away in the background.

The truth is that the celebrities that transitioned into being business moguls or launching a brand have to be very smart, or at least be advised by very smart people.

We are very excited about launching Ola in Australia and see immense potential for the ride-sharing ecosystem in a country which embraces new technology and innovation.

I'm taking one thing at a time. With the children and launching my solo career it would drive me to a nervous breakdown if I tried to organise a wedding on top of that.

Launching a Broadway show is like no other endeavor. It's taxing because you're present - it's not like cutting a movie and test focus-grouping it and filling out forms.

As a callow 18-year-old leaving for college, I'd seen my home town as a mere launching pad for a life in worldlier locales, a place to be from rather than a place to be.

Building advanced AI is like launching a rocket. The first challenge is to maximize acceleration, but once it starts picking up speed, you also need to focus on steering.

We're going to do something that's really unprecedented in the industry by launching the console in all three major markets for the same holiday. It's never been done before.

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