I was raised on Bruce Lee.

There is a real Harold Lee.

I hope Lee's scandal isn't real.

Gregory Lee Johnson was an idiot.

My cousin Malcolm Lee is also a filmmaker.

'Malcolm X' is my favorite Spike Lee movie.

It was an honor to meet the iconic Stan Lee.

Not everybody knows I'm Bruce Lee's daughter.

The quest for Tommy Lee Jones' laugh begins now.

From Michael Jackson to Peggy Lee, I like it all.

I wish I were tall, like my friend Lee Kwang Soo.

Pascal Lee is a true pioneer of Mars exploration.

I loved Jamie Lee Curtis. I think she is brilliant.

Oddly enough, Bruce Lee wrote some great philosophy.

I'm a huge Ang Lee fan and a huge Larry McMurtry fan.

I invite Mr. Lee Chong Wei to visit China frequently.

I look more like Jesse Lee Sofer than my real brother.

'Boogie Chillen',' by John Lee Hooker - that is a riff.

I don't want to be remembered as 'the son of Bruce Lee'.

I started working with Timely in 1946. Stan Lee hired me.

Ang Lee was educated in the West and his English is good.

Spike Lee is part of a retrograde movement in this country.

Every musician liked Peggy Lee, but not the general public.

Everybody watches Bruce Lee. That's a legend. He's the man!

My favorite poem ever was 'Annabel Lee' by Edgar Allan Poe.

Spike Lee really gave us a platform, men and women of color.

I grew up watching Lee Trevino, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer.

Jason Lee is the most famous actor from Hawaii I can think of.

Any match with Keith Lee is definitely circled on my calendar.

Harper Lee was my David Bowie, and I feel her loss in my bones.

I would love to play Lee in 'True West' and Bobby in 'Company.'

I had attraction to work with Ang Lee. I wanted to work with him.

Spike Lee is obviously more stupid than anyone can be by accident.

I am very close to my mother-in-law, Lee, we see each other often.

I love Stewart Lee's 'Comedy Vehicle' on BBC2. The guy is a genius.

Not a moment had been lost by General Hooker in the pursuit of Lee.

Wong Kar-wai and Ang Lee are two Asian directors I'm really fond of.

I've always loved the blues, John Lee Hooker, Janis Joplin, Hendrix.

But the courts have dismissed the lawsuits against me and Lee Brown.

I love all sorts of music. I'm really into Damian Rice and Amos Lee.

When Lee and Jack win, it is good for golf. When I win, it is better.

I believe Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill John Kennedy. I believe that.

My influences were Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry.

The two biggest influences of the '70s were Don Cornelius and Bruce Lee.

I am not a method actor, though I studied for a year with Lee Strasburg.

Working with Jamie Lee Curtis has changed my life. I grew up adoring her.

'The Homesman' is a really interesting movie that Tommy Lee Jones directed.

Lee Min Ho is a very cool guy, and I had a great teamwork with him as well.

Ang Lee - he is amazing. I think doing a film with him would be breathtaking.

The opportunity, number one, to work with Ang Lee is an amazing thing for me.

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