Depend on yourself; you won't be let down.

Cinderella!" Dov cried. "Let down your hair!

Depend on yourself and you'll never be let down.

An author's first duty is to let down his country.

Rather we let down the world than the world let us down!

I firmly believe the industry does not let down performers.

I never fail to feel let down when I see myself on the screen.

Intimacy blossoms anytime you let down your socially acceptable mask.

I've not really been let down by anyone I've admired and then worked with.

Feel ashamed of my generation. We've let down our children and their children.

Gandhi felt fascinated at knowing Christ. He met Christians, and felt let down.

Dancing is about expressing yourself, and the more walls you let down, the better.

Life is a big sea full of many fish. I let down my nets and pulled. I'm still pulling.

I try not to get my hopes up too high with anything, because I'll never be let down that way.

I've failed those I care most about and let down the people who elected me to represent them.

As a player, it's better to wait a moment for the correct call than be let down by an incorrect call.

I've learned to not have expectations. If you don't expect things from anyone, you can't get let down.

I say this all the time: I've always been really good at managing my expectations so that I'm not let down.

Some people pray to their guides and feel let down by their guides when they go through a challenge in life.

Whenever I sang, I said to myself, 'Maybe tonight.' I would never let down, no matter how few people were listening.

I am distressed when I see news channels saying 'Devdas' has let down the country by not getting an Oscar nomination.

And people are intrigued if I really am as grumpy in real life. People feel a bit let down if I'm laughing or smiling.

Sometimes being let down my a human being is the direct cause for you finding your own strength & depending only on Allah.

He'd been let down so often His brow was on the floor But then they found A small hole in the ground And let him down some more

As a genre, the noir of post-World War II was based on characters who were weak or repellent, bound to let down us and themselves.

It would be false if I claim that the Congress has in the past not let down its ideology, especially pertaining to Muslim community.

When you're a 'product' for a lot of people, they're only really after one thing, and so it's hard to completely let down your guard.

They tell you to be careful because maybe you don't want to meet your heroes. I've met pretty much every one, and I've never been let down.

Never put anything past anyone. Stop expecting people to be as genuine as you are, it's never the case & it will almost always be a let down.

We are injured and hurt emotionally, Not so much by other people or what they say and don't say, But by our own attitude and our own response.

As ever with modern Britain, we are let down by a vast, over-manned, over-funded, hidebound, obstructive, box-ticking and incompetent bureaucracy.

I never expect anything from anybody. I'm a bit Scottish like that - I don't like to be disappointed and let down. I like to take life very slowly.

All my life I have been seeking to climb out of the pit of my besetting sins and I cannot do it and I never will unless a hand is let down to draw me up.

I think you have a responsibility to the people you're making movies with, and I take that very seriously. I don't want to let up and I don't want to let down.

In France, that let down the barriers more than a hundred years ago, the feeling of antipathy is still strong enough to sustain an anti-Jewish political party.

Oftentimes when you see adaptations of books you like, you're let down. As an author, you assume that they are going to suck. A little bit of hope is dangerous.

They would have been very let down if they had to leave the theater and he had missed. He would feel badly. Everyone would feel badly. But he never let them down.

I put a lot of effort into not upsetting people and trying to do things the right way, so I feel I can reserve the right to complain when I feel let down by others.

The Avalanches was a great dance track, I thought, but I always feel a little bit let down when there are just two lines repeated constantly. Over and over. Forever.

I want to apologize to all of the people I have let down because of my behavior which has reflected badly on my family, friends, co-workers, business associates and others.

I'm very type-A, and many things in my life are about control and domination, but eating should be a submissive experience, where you let down your guard and enjoy the ride.

Respectability in this country was a bad word because people did things who were in respected professions that let down the entire nation, and we're washing away their sins yet.

On the pitch and for life generally, I keep my center by remembering that I am part of a team and if I don't do my part, I let down not just my team but everyone who follows it.

One of the greatest things I fear is letting down my people. I wouldn't live with that type of conscience, of having let down my people after they've been brutalized for so long.

I have in the past overly trusted people and was, in turn, let down by some. Since then, I have learned the difference between putting faith into people and blindly trusting them.

I have never let down Italy, and I never will. I love my country, and I owe a lot to my country, and in that sense, whatever I can and will be able to do for my country, I will do.

After doing two years in prison, trust me, I've seen a lot of tough guys pray. They're not just praying for themselves; they're praying for their family and the people they've let down.

For me, I try not to set any goals or try and see what's gonna happen, because I don't wanna be let down or disappointed that something didn't happen the way I thought it was gonna happen.

At first, when 'Boxer' came out, people were a little let down, and we worried that it might be the end for us. But then it began to grow on people. 'Boxer' bought us our creative freedom.

To people all over America, I say, when you have my father in your corner, you will never again have to worry about being let down. He will fight for you all the time, all the way, every time.

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