I play with leverage.

Crisis creates leverage to change.

Anybody can leverage celebrity for profit.

Sequestration is leverage that should not be given up easily.

When you're young as a comic, you don't have a lot of leverage.

To the extent that anyone has leverage over North Korea, it's China.

Publishers should use the paperback side to leverage the ebook side.

As a small businessperson, you have no greater leverage than the truth.

Fair play doesn't pertain in bargaining. What matters there is leverage.

When you make people a lot of money, it gives you leverage in Hollywood.

Leverage your brand. You shouldn't let two guys in a garage eat your shorts.

We must develop knowledge optimization initiatives to leverage our key learnings.

When you combine ignorance and leverage, you get some pretty interesting results.

Tackling still comes down to leverage and owning that leverage and making your hits.

India is keen to leverage Italian technology and investment for growth and development.

Managers don't have as much leverage as they used to have. We can't really be the boss.

Most of our funding goes to organizations and is then used to leverage the private sector.

Unions are about the collective leverage, the power of numbers versus the power of capital.

We will leverage technology to collaborate with the government in its e-governance initiatives.

You see artists hailed as a new generation of independents, only to be enlisted to leverage product.

The leverage and influence social media gives citizens are rapidly spreading into the business world.

When you buy anything with lots of leverage, it does not require a whole lot to go wrong to lose it all.

I've got leverage on a guy that's 6-6, and I'm strong enough to push 600-plus pounds off on a double-team.

Promoters need you. You don't need them... The boxer has the leverage, and a lot of boxers don't know that.

I do know some missed tackles usually that comes down to leverage, and I know those are correctable and fixable.

In 'Leverage,' I don't really play an insurance investigator but a man who used to be an insurance investigator.

The United States tax system today is very prejudiced towards financialization, leverage, and lack of investment.

There are more and more properties joining us to benefit from and leverage our global online marketing expertise.

Big companies often use their leverage to take stakes in would-be suppliers, especially in the technology business.

I took part in two 'Leverage' conventions. Fans fly in from as far as Russia and Australia. It's expensive to attend.

I think over any period of time, especially if you don't use leverage, it is difficult to continually beat the S&P 500.

Usually, you measure appetite of investors by their ability or willingness to take a bit of leverage on their positions.

I believe it is in the world's interest to develop environments that fully engage women and leverage their natural talents.

What happens is the market really booms when people really leverage and they really leverage when they make a lot of money.

Today, even small entities that trade complex instruments or are granted sufficient leverage can threaten the global financial system.

'Leverage' is meant to be based in Boston. But in one episode we're in New York, then another in Chicago, Florida, and Eastern Europe.

We're trying to be the top employer of recent grads in the country. Size gives us leverage to have a tangible impact on school systems.

Overwinding happens when hedge funds destroy companies by attempting to leverage derivatives against otherwise productive long-term assets.

I call on Democrats to use their leverage to fight for a clean DREAM Act and to reject Trump's racist agenda - not only in word but in deed.

One of the scariest things about ISIS is their ability to leverage social media to inspire individuals who have never been to Syria and Iraq.

Even in the off season, people are streaming the show or buying the DVD sets, and new audience comes to 'Leverage' every year we've been doing it.

Good founders can give me a picture of the future that I can believe. And the second that I believe your version of the future, you have leverage.

We had an amazing experience shooting the first season of 'Leverage' with such a talented cast and crew and with the full support of TNT behind us.

I believe that Conservatives do best when we focus on strong ideas for our future and when we leverage the strength of grassroots across the country.

Next time, you question what you are doing - ask yourself? What could I do more? In most cases, extra time will be the greatest leverage you can apply!

I first got into gambling because it was a way for me to leverage my love of baseball statistics. For the first few years, that's all I would focus on.

Financial innovation is an oxymoron. It's very rare that there is something that's actually financial innovation. It's a euphemism for hiding leverage.

I'm very involved in Shred, constantly checking in on something. It takes a lot of time. But it has let me leverage who I am as an athlete into a product.

! want to leverage the creativity of researchers across mathematics, statistics, data mining, computer science, biology, medicine, and the public at large.

I invite you to leverage Serbia because we have talented young professionals who are multilingual, highly educated, and willing to work for competitive wages.

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