Little boats should keep near shore

A little showbiz never hurt anyone.

Much Virtue in Herbs, little in Men.

I am not against a little inflation.

Little liberties are great offenses.

Look what a little vain dust we are!

Half-wits talk much, but say little.

It's a hard world for little things.

I am a little god! Critics, be gone!

Bigger people beat up little people.

Anything worth doing hurts a little.

You're the little spoon, aren't you?

No religion but blasphemes a little.

To be forgotten, is to die a little.

I'm a little bit of a control freak.

The least little bit can do so much.

Be a little kinder than you have to.

It's true we're all a little insane.

Today's meters are little computers.

I'm not drunk, just a little stoned.

A little revolution is a good thing.

Rap - so many words, so little said.

When I was little the sky was closer.

We know too much and feel too little.

So much technology, so little talent.

I've written a little bit in Germany.

What was Watergate? A little bugging!

Great business turns on a little pin.

A little reciprocity goes a long way.

Have read little and understood less.

The world's become a little too mean.

Everybody draws when they are little.

So much universe, and so little time.

Good readers make much out of little.

Thank God for little miracles, right?

Ever since he's been a little boo-aw.

A little knowledge can go a long way.

Actresses are kind of a little crazy.

A little personality goes a long way.

What I write is not for little girls.

Stay a little and news will find you.

Wisdom is knowing how little we know.

Better too much form than too little.

I'm a little bit of a fabric lunatic.

I bear a little more than I can bear.

We think too much and feel too little.

I always feel like a goofy little kid.

Sometimes it pays to be a little wild.

The modern masters promise very little

Very little in this world makes sense.

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