Simple goes a long way.

Gratitude goes a long way.

I'm a long way from Ike Turner.

A good listener goes a long way.

A little flattery goes a long way.

A little humility goes a long way.

Determination gets you a long way.

Unconditional love goes a long way.

A simple thank-you goes a long way.

Resilience can go an awful long way.

It's been a long way, but we're here.

I'm a long way from being a Damien Hirst.

A daily dose of Nietzsche goes a long way.

A halfway decent haircut will go a long way!

A little bit of attention can go a long way.

Technology has come a long way since PayPal.

As far as knowledge goes I've come a long way.

I think, No. 1, I still have a long way to go.

I've got a long way to go. I'm not in a hurry.

I've come a long way from my first commercials.

Hard work and sacrifice can get you a long way.

A hint of competition goes a long way with guys.

I knew I had a long way to go with my mechanics.

Some of my family goes back a long way in Denver.

Dogs got personality. Personality goes a long way.

Paint goes a long way in making old look like new.

Sometimes a little comfort food can go a long way.

We have come a long way in terms of foreign policy.

I guess a little bit of delusion can go a long way.

He hits the ball a long way and he knows how to win.

Enthusiasm and misplaced belief can take you a long way.

Be careful with the man jewelry. A little goes a long way.

That's what we all do: endlessly take the long way around.

A dose of humility goes a long way in life and in politics.

A little perspective, like a little humor, goes a long way.

The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way.

I just love playing characters that are a long way away from me.

Always have self-confidence because that can take you a long way.

It's been a long slog back, and we've still got a long way to go.

I always feel I have a long way to go in my playing and my music.

The U.K. military role in Iraq ended a very long way from success.

We've come a long way, but there is still a lot of discrimination.

A sense of humor is great - it goes a long, long way in a marriage.

Elegance is very dangerous. It's like TNT. A little goes a long way.

If I'm just trying to play it cool, a nude lip always goes a long way.

I've come a long way since 2007 when I kind of launched my golf career.

As a kid in British Columbia, going back a long way, I learned to skate.

We have come a long way from the first season of 'The Ultimate Fighter.'

Stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way.

It has never been easy doing the work I do, but there's a long way to go.

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