I try to win the love and approval of strangers, since it didn't work with my family.

I think that our view of love and family informs our work, the way we empathize with people.

I love music, and outside of work my family keeps me very busy, I have five children to keep track of.

It isn't that women are less ambitious, but women want to find a balance between work, love, and family.

I love being on 'Modern Family.' One of my favorite things is looking forward to going to work every day.

I no fight for the money because I work hard for UFC for long time. I have money for my family. But I fight because I love it.

It's a big deal to bring your family on the road, you know? I'd love to do it sometime, but you have to work out schools and all that.

I just work so much and so hard that I love the idea of being around family, friends and my animals quietly at home, just chilling out.

I just love to work and spend time with my family. And that's the reason I don't look at the length of the role, but what it has to offer me.

When I speak with people who love their jobs and have vital friendships at work, they always talk about how their workgroup is like a family.

I'm a hard worker and love my work. I have felt pulled toward work. And it's a pull I have ferociously had to counter to make room for my family.

I don't love the phrase 'balancing work and family.' It sets up this idea of scales of justice with work on one side and family on the other side.

I hope I will have a family. A house, with a garden, will be nice. And I would love a barbecue! Just very simple things and a passion to work hard.

My family has spent 400 years farming on the banks of the Rio Grande. We know the value of hard work, love of the community, love for water and land.

I love doing TV. It's so great for my world as a mom, as someone who likes to have a steady job and go to work feeling secure because I'm with a family.

I love my family very much. I wish I could see them a little more often than I do. But we understand because we're a show business family and we all work.

I have a fashion degree and worked as a buyer for Calvin Klein and Macy's before I had kids. I've always worked. I love to work. But my family comes first.

Family or love or romance, whatever it is, is not restricted to perfect people. If it were, it wouldn't exist. All of that comes out in my work in some way.

You never know when some small thing will lead to a big idea. Travel is very inspirational - but it's in the ordinary that I find my themes of love and work and family.

My family loves to take me out, and we do regular things like go to the movies. My friends do that as well. At the same time, I love work and I want to be busy all the time!

I've kind of walked into a realm where it's paid off for all the hard work that I've put into it, and I get to bless my family. And that's the one thing I love doing. I love giving.

When I say that Latinos share conservative values, when Ronald Reagan said that, we mean the love of family, the love of country, a commitment to personal responsibility, to hard work.

I'm able to provide for my family and the people that I love with things that I never used to be able to. I'm getting to make music and work with amazing people. I just feel really lucky.

I love watching old movies, reading and having some good meals. I have a very close group of friends and family. I try to spend time with the ones that I love and work as hard as possible.

I travel a lot, but I'd love to go back to cities such as Paris, Las Vegas, New York, and London with my family. When I'm there touring with the band, I have to work, and it's no fun at all.

I know Donald Trump. I've met him; I know his family. I have love and friendship and affection for his family members. But I'm going to work very hard to ensure that he is not our president.

Tarek and I have a common goal to create beautiful houses for families. We work hard but our priority is spending quality time with our wonderful kids and raising them to appreciate the love of family.

We've been training since we were small. You definitely got to love it to be part of this family. We like to have fun. We like to work hard, and always staying out of trouble and always doing the right thing.

Love is not just about love for your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, or wife. Love, for me, is the love for my work, family, and even friends. The emotion is very strong. It comes with a lot of responsibilities.

My family, my mom in particular, got so much love and appreciation from the audience. As a consequence, I have also got some of that love. I now have to work doubly hard to prove that I deserve it, on my own, also.

I love my family, I love my relatives. One special request I have is for the media back in Taiwan to kind of give them their space because they can't even go to work without being bombarded and people following them.

I have a family I love. They tend to say, 'Great job!' Or 'You work really hard! Good for you!' Or 'You look nice today!' Or 'Don't be ridiculous, order the fries!' Or 'You are hilarious.' That's all the family I need.

There are certain people I'd absolutely love to work with. I was a huge fan of 'Two and a Half Men.' The comedic timing was so perfect on that show. So maybe that show or maybe 'Modern Family.' Both of those shows have great casts.

When I was six, someone in my family gave me a yellow pencil holder that had my name printed on it. I still have it, and when I'm doing table work in rehearsal, I use it to carry my highlighters and other writing utensils. I love it.

I consistently go to therapy and work on this one issue. I've devoted an hour every two weeks to ask, 'How do I be a workaholic, do what we love to do, and not die of a heart attack, destroy myself and my family, and keep my friends?'

I guess in America we're so sold on this ideal of the perfect, well-adjusted family that is able to confront any conflict and, with true love and understanding, work things through. I'm sure they do exist, but I never knew any of them.

Through devotion, your family cares become more peaceful, mutual love between husband and wife becomes more sincere, the service we owe to the prince more faithful, and our work, no matter what it is, becomes more pleasant and agreeable.

I have a great support network - my family, my model agency Storm, and people I work with in the fashion industry. And, of course, there are all my followers on Twitter who stop me from feeling lonely; I love them all. They keep me grounded.

That summer after the draft was probably the most fun I've ever had, because all I had to do every day was wake up and go work out for four or five hours. I got to play some golf, which I love to do, too, and then got to hang out with my family.

The true idea of a church has not yet been shown the world, a visible Church, I mean, unless it was in the very earliest times; yes, the twelve disciples bound to their Lord in love, to do his work forever, that was a church, a Christian family.

I love cooking. There is nothing I like better than going home and cooking my family a nice meal. Anything with pasta! Pasta with butter! I have a good repertoire, and I can do quite a few different dishes. Sometimes they work out and sometimes not.

Junooniyat for love but not necessarily from the romantic perspective. For me, that is for family, that is for my work. For me, both these things are very important, so there is junoon for people I love, which is my family, and my work, which I worship.

I've discovered that Motown and Broadway have a lot in common - a family of wonderfully talented, passionate, hardworking young people, fiercely competitive but also full of love and appreciation for the work, for each other and for the people in the audience.

I really have created a family. I work with the people I love, I travel with them, I make films with them, and I'm in an office with them. So in a weird way - I know I haven't birthed a child - I feel that I'm a part of creating a family. It's a tribe. I love that word.

Our family is in love with this profession, and I am really fortunate that I have got an opportunity to prove myself and to do what I love to do... My effort will be to put my heart and soul in my work, and I will try to make not only my family but the entire country happy with my work.

I like stand-up. But I'd also like a family and house and a yard. I want to work with a lot of people, have colleagues; and on good film sets, there's people there that work with the same people for years and years. I love that collaborative spirit in that medium. Comedy is a lot more solitary.

Over the years, my work became both my vocation and avocation. Since I enjoyed it so much, I never felt a great need to go outside for relaxation. Nevertheless, I became an avid photographer and traveler. Possibly my love for travel stems from the early years when my family seldom went away on vacation.

If I changed my name, everyone would have just known that I changed my name. If I had been anonymous, it would have felt pretentious. It would seem like I'm trying to dodge something. I love my family and have such respect for their work, for their career and talents, and I'm very proud to be connected with them.

A lot of people say to me, 'Stay grounded; be humble.' David Schwimmer was just like, 'You need to love what you do.' And I think that's really nice. Just love your work. My family has given me great advice saying, you know, 'Don't work too hard.' And it's really nice to have someone like that - you know that they love you.

There isn't a lot of work in Australia. I think that's why everyone comes over to America to find jobs and pilots and things, because there's not enough work to justify staying there, unfortunately. Like, I wish there was. I would love to stay home and be working with my family around the corner, but the work just isn't there.

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