Food, to me, is always about cooking and eating with those you love and care for.

Both my parents are chefs... I grew up in a restaurant and was always surrounded by cooks. I love food.

People always comment about my clothes. They don't think a fashionable woman can love food and be knowledgeable and actually cook.

I love judging food by its smell and feel and taste. The healthiest tomato isn't always the perfect one that's been covered in pesticides.

Obviously, if I'm in Argentina, I'm going to have a steak, but I don't love meat, really. I always think about where the food came from and who had to get it.

I love India. I love the people, food and the environment. Yes, I am from London, but right from when I was a toddler, I've always lived between Mumbai and London.

We all have our food weaknesses and mine is snacking. I have a sweet tooth and I love chocolate. But I have learned that if you plan ahead you can get round that. I always carry a few chocolate-flavoured protein bars when I'm travelling.

I've always been in love with the States. When I was a kid, we would take these long summer holidays in Texas, Nashville, and all over. I fell in love with the people, the food, even the smell. You don't necessarily get that in old Europe.

The magazine, the daytime show, we've always tried to write affordable, accessible. Those are key words for us, and I do mean us, a huge staff of people at the magazine who love to cook affordable, friendly food that helps families eat better for less.

The more kids are involved, the more likely they are to eat the food. Getting them involved gets them excited, and kids are much more likely to try something that they were involved in the process of creating because it gives them a sense of accomplishment - kids always love approval.

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