I love making movies.

I like making movies.

My entire life was making movies.

Making movies is like herding cats.

Making movies is all about instinct.

I'm very happy in France making movies.

Making movies is controlled anarchy, chaos.

I've always been interested in making movies.

I only believe in making movies with integrity.

I pulled out of making movies in about '96 or '97.

I love film. I am very blessed to be making movies.

I'm not making movies for kids or family audiences.

Making movies is my profession. I like doing it a lot.

When you're making movies you've got to get obsessive.

I just love being on a movie set. I like making movies.

I like working in TV, but my real love is making movies.

You can't make a movie about making movies - it's boring.

It's something I never dreamed I'd be doing, making movies.

I position everything else in my life around making movies.

It took me 20 years of making movies to learn how to do it.

I aspire to eventually be making my living by making movies.

Making movies is a way of understanding myself and the world.

Making movies is just like betting on horses at the racetrack.

My life has a great degree of dimension without making movies.

It's a juggernaut, yeah... but I'm not phased by making movies.

I love making movies, but there's nothing like performing live.

Maybe when I stop making movies, I'll understand my work better.

The motivation for making movies is that people actually see them.

I always wanted to be a stay-at-home dad making art, making movies.

There's nothing more important in making movies than the screenplay.

Making movies is really hard. It's the hardest thing I've ever done.

What got me into making movies was that I wanted to be a journalist.

Making movies seemed so impossible as far as getting my ideas funded.

I think I'll always be making movies that intend to say something new.

I'm not looking to lose anything. I'm looking to continue making movies.

If you are going to be dogged with doubts you shouldn't be making movies.

I moved to L.A. when I was 17 and started making movies six months later.

For me, real life is hard work. Making movies is like a vacation for my soul.

I'm not impressed by someone's degree... I'm impressed by them making movies.

I love making movies, but there's nothing like being in front of an audience.

And I discovered after a couple years that I really didn't miss making movies.

I like making movies for myself and my friends and people with my sensibility.

Why do I continue making movies? Making movies is better than cleaning toilets.

I'll always have my skate life, but I absolutely like the fun of making movies.

I love women. I've always cared about making movies about women my entire career.

As a kid, a little kid, I loved going to the movies, and now I love making movies.

Making movies is never going to get better than working on a Coen brothers project.

I went to film school and wanted to learn everything there was about making movies.

I just like to act and write and produce. To me, making movies is the ultimate goal.

What is important to me is that people know I respect the business of making movies.

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