Making movies is really hard. It's a very complex process, with many, many variables.

The whole process of making movies and writing screenplays is visceral and intuitive.

Woody Allen is in his '70s and he's making movies, so I look forward to getting there.

What drew me into making movies is trying to make characters that step off the screen.

I'm not sure I like making movies that my kids can't go to, but that's just how it is.

It's a good time to be making movies, despite the cynicism people have about Hollywood.

I was so young, and making movies, going to the studio every morning at dawn was magic.

Through most of my career, I've made a decent living making movies no one wants to see.

I'm always making movies for my audiences, but I'm not trying to meet their expectations.

I don't sleep at night at all. Making movies is a marathon. I'm a good 100-yard-dash guy.

There's too much down time making movies. That leads to boredom. And that leads to trouble.

I love making movies. But it's a lot of investing your heart and soul. It can be exhausting.

I like making movies and would like to make it my career when I'm finished playing football.

Trust me: I've been travelling, making movies, and spending the remainder of my time at home.

I'm a frustrated would-be architect who stumbled into the would-be business of making movies.

The idea of being with my peers at a real school seemed much more exciting than making movies.

I love people who just started making movies - first-timers, second-timers. They take chances.

Making movies is what I'm good at. Cinema is the means through which I can best express myself.

The reason I keep making movies is I hate the last thing I did. I'm trying to rectify my wrongs.

Making 'Pacific Rim' was a lot like what you imagined making movies would be like when you were 12.

Live life before making movies, because you cannot make films about life, without having lived one.

To be fair, I don't think it's a plague to say I have the misfortune of making movies for a living.

My perception of making a movie before I started making movies was that it would be like 'Spy Kids'.

I wish I had more control over my career, but making movies is something you do with lots of people.

I think that if you go about making movies to win Oscars, you're really going about it the wrong way.

As actors, the thing we have to fight, more than even the business part of making movies, is boredom.

Being a big star and being known, making movies and a lot of money - that really doesn't interest me.

I love the intimacy of making movies. The focus is deeper and much more intense than musical theatre.

The hardest part about making movies is staying the exact same weight every day and looking the same.

I know they call me a crazy lady, but I'm only interested in making movies and having people see them.

Making movies, even though it's a business, is also an art, and sometimes you don't hit the bull's-eye.

You hope that the responsibility of making movies will fall into the hands of essentially moral people.

When I saw 'Jurassic Park' as a kid, that was the first time I thought about making movies for a living.

Ultimately, making movies, if you don't have a big star, it's hard to do. Or if it's not a star director.

In all honesty I think that I've had a very normal life, even though I've been making movies since I was 9.

Characters, conflict and geography are things that must be considered while making movies from adaptations.

There's a lot of jobs that you can do that you can be miserable at. Making movies should not be one of them.

I don't actually sit down and write, but I just have a lot of different ideas about films and making movies.

My dad gave me his camera, so I spent my childhood making movies with the kids in the neighborhood as actors.

I just want to go on making movies, and some of them will be completely meaningless, except, of course, to me.

I love making movies, but I was ready to rationalize being only a mother if my career never got back on track.

Right now, I'm known for making movies. And I wonder if that's it. I don't know. It doesn't feel like it to me.

Making movies is difficult and you get disorientated sometimes - even when you're working with fantastic talent.

I don't mind being in studios, and I don't mind being out in nature. They're two different ways of making movies.

I'm not interested in making 'black' movies. I'm interested in making movies that reflect reality as I perceive it.

I've always loved the showmanship of professional wrestling. While I love making movies, I love that platform, too.

I'm relaxed about my career. I've been making movies for over 20 years, so I've earned at least the right to relax.

You're only making movies for two reasons: Because you have something to say or because you want to entertain people.

I'm not a macho guy. I'm very soft-spoken on the set. But I'm not really intimidated by the process of making movies.

Maybe there should be less of a mystique around making movies. I just don't think that there's any real mystery there.

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