Rap for me is like making movies, telling stories, and getting the emotions of the songs through in just as deep a way.

I used to love Kapil Dev and, like any schoolboy, wanted to become a cricketer till I started dreaming of making movies.

Let's face it, making movies is all risk. Most of the time, batting average-wise, the reward does not outweigh the risk.

I love making movies and hope to write my own screenplay someday and do some producing and be behind-the-scenes as well.

I have a hard time making movies that affirm life and say life is a good and happy place. That's not true about the world.

My dad was a low budget film director. I grew up as a kid making movies, based on the love of seeing what my dad was doing.

I stopped making movies because I don't like taking my clothes off. Maybe it's realism, but in my opinion, it's utter filth.

Making movies is a dangerous job. Because you are always the one who stands at the center of the universe when making movies.

I haven't acted in 10 years. I always talk about being an actor, and yet I've been focusing on making movies for a long time.

If you can't stop somebody from working and making movies that you hate, what's the next best thing? Destroy them personally.

Making movies is great. It was like love at first sight; a whole new, different business. I can see why actors love it so much.

My roles don't centre around drugs at all! Shadiness is different - it's drama. We're making movies! You've gotta have conflict.

I think you get out of film school what you put into it. If you don't care about making movies, film school will do you no good.

Making movies is a hard thing, and it's slow. So you can glorify the product, but the process is difficult no matter who you are.

I got a divorce, and I felt like I finally started my career. I started making movies and projects that I just really believed in.

Since I began making movies, I've always looked for screenwriters instead of going through the long and painful process of writing.

No film has captivated my imagination more than 'King Kong.' I'm making movies today because I saw this film when I was 9 years old.

I have a maple leaf tattoo over my heart, quite literally, and my two favorite things on Earth are being in Canada and making movies.

I'm fighting the label of 'Black' actress simply because it's very limiting in people's eyes, especially people who are making movies.

For a while, I stopped enjoying making movies and I stopped enjoying acting, because I made a few decisions that I wish I hadn't made.

I choose not to be in front of the camera. Sometimes I do get offered parts, but I really like just making movies and telling stories.

The hardest thing for me about making movies, and that included 'M*A*S*H' because it was made like a movie, was starting and stopping.

I never really feel wrong while making movies. I know myself, and I know that my intentions are pure and I'm on the side of righteousness.

My existence is about making movies, so I've just got to rock and roll with the punches. You want to make movies on telephones, I'm there.

I'm someone who likes to try new things and take on new challenges. I love making movies, but TV is also great. I really enjoy doing both.

My approach to making movies is different than other people, because I just write a lot of screenplays. I'm constantly writing screenplays.

I'd like to direct myself but I'm a cinephile and I also would like to just step behind the camera and be on the other end of making movies.

I admire James Franco. I admire somebody like Jack Nicholson. Anyone who just does movies for the sake of making movies and takes big risks.

I like making movies that have some of the qualities of first-person shooter games. That was very important to me for the 'Bourne' franchise.

I also have experience working with American producer Roger Corman who knows a lot of secrets in making movies look bigger than their budget.

When you're in L.A., and you're making movies and that kind of stuff, you don't really get a sense sometimes, I think, what the fans are like.

Making movies is time-consuming and it's boring. You spend most of your time waiting between takes. It's like a big machine that moves slowly.

Well, the wonderful thing about making movies, oddly enough, is that they're sort of highly motivated graduate studies in one or another field.

I really love making movies. I just have this yearning in my stomach to go back and somehow subversively screw up television a little bit again.

Making movies is hard for me. Being on set is very trying. I'm not good at being that communicative for that long. Editing is where I'm happiest.

Thinking back to those earlier days, I felt I was weak when I wasn't making movies, and then when I was, I thought I was weak as a family member.

The next thing I knew, I was out of the service and making movies again. My first picture was called, GI Blues. I thought I was still in the army.

I'm living in Hollywood, and I'm making movies, but it goes beyond me. If my family is not doing very well, or even OK, you want them to be better.

Secrets make for good drama, and revealing the hidden truths and contradictions of life is, for me, one of the most exciting aspects of making movies.

I grew up in England, and at the time, cinema was very heavy arthouse cinema, and there was no one making movies that were designed to be in multiplexes.

I think acting is only one part of the piece of the movie. I'ts an important piece, but I'd like to be involved in all the other aspects of making movies.

In Bollywood, people have been making movies for more than half a century and they are made in such a way that you need not shed off all your inhibitions.

I thought that making movies was drab. I'd lived through that. And I didn't want to use my parents, ever... They didn't want to push me into this business.

Some people think of me as an actor and some as a movie star, so I sort of guess that makes me both. I love making movies, and I love playing on the stage.

No, I like today's cinema a lot. But I've spent so many decades only making movies. There's so much that I still want to do. Like, live. It's only up to me.

Getting movies made is not as difficult as people think. Making movies is easy. You get a script, you get a director, you raise the money, you make the movie.

I started making movies in the early '90s, a few years after I discovered 'the cinema' during a three month stay in Paris during which I watched 100s of films.

The trick of making movies in this culture is how to not give up everything that makes them worthwhile in order to get them made - and that's a tricky balance.

I think you have a responsibility to the people you're making movies with, and I take that very seriously. I don't want to let up and I don't want to let down.

Because making movies is such an expensive endeavor, other media such as books and comics have long been a more feasible way to experiment with truly new ideas.

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