Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into ...

Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement.

Dreams are manifestations of identities.

All existence is a manifestation of God.

Thought plus belief equals manifestation.

Pleasures are manifestations of God's name.

I really am a manifestation of my own fantasy.

All things are manifestations of one thing only.

Conceit is an outward manifestation of inferiority.

It is the greatest manifestation of power to be calm.

Voices and faces aren't manifestations of good or bad.

Self-righteousness is a manifestation of self-contempt.

I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations.

I'm a process person. Process is a manifestation of values.

Chocolate, I am sure, is the concrete manifestation of love.

Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses men most.

Whatever you are looking for can only be found inside of you.

All that exists is but the manifestation of the Supreme Being.

I love acting and I love it in all its different manifestations.

True elegance for me is the manifestation of an independent mind.

The most beloved manifestation of obedience to God is trust in Him

I have not the slightest confidence in 'spiritual manifestations.'

Everything is allowed, except interrupting a manifestation of love.

The dancer's body is simply the luminous manifestation of the soul.

True works of art are a manifestation of the higher laws of nature.

Everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be.

All life is a manifestation of the spirit, the manifestation of love.

The Absolute cannot be worshipped, so we must worship a manifestation.

Genius is nothing more than an extraordinary manifestation of the body.

Nature's fortuitous manifestation of her purposeless objectionableness.

We acknowledge God only when we are conscious of His manifestation in us.

I believe in spirit and then I believe a manifestation of spirit is dance

Your duty is to treat everybody with love as a manifestation of the Lord.

The outward manifestations of an inner combustion are never very directed.

You belong in the life of your dreams. And you don't belong anywhere else.

One has to do sadhana for the total manifestation of the Divine in oneself.

What we're about is a manifestation of the Catholic roots of Boston College.

The love of weaponry is often a manifestation of infantile traits in an adult.

The Universe is the periodical manifestation of this unknown Absolute Essence.

The Universe is the periodical manifestation of this unknown Absolute Essence.

The spirit or life spark which animates this manifestation could be called God.

The universe is but a partial manifestation of your limitless capacity to become.

The highest manifestation of strength is to keep ourselves calm and on our own feet.

Facebook is so ubiquitous now that it's like another manifestation of the web itself.

Beautify your thoughts. Thoughts are the headwaters of action, life and manifestation.

Manifestation, law of attraction, and all of that other related stuff, I'm here for it.

God is not seeking a display of my Christ-likeness , but a manifestation of His Christ.

I have an aversion to taking care of my gear, a wayward manifestation of my punk ethos.

Capitalism, perhaps at its most remorseless, is a physical manifestation of psychopathy.

Shift the focus from what you want to do, to how you want to be... how you want to feel.

The aspiration toward freedom is the most essentially human of all human manifestations.

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