My mentors were very good.

I'm not a person of mentors.

Mentors are like friendships.

Pop Staples was one of my true mentors.

I think I will never stop having mentors.

Some mentors are more challenging than others.

Simply stated, girls want role models and mentors.

Context begins with other artists - seniors and mentors.

My mentors are people like Cameron Crowe and Carrie Fisher.

Mine were informal mentors. They were all in my working life.

Mentors, by far, are the most important aspects of businesses.

Z-Bo, Zach Randolph, is like my big brother - one of my mentors.

I've been very, very lucky because I've had so many great mentors.

My dad, he's a great father, but he's also been one of my mentors.

Mentors and sponsors are beneficial for personal and career growth.

I have mentors like Erykah Badu. She's been like a big sister to me.

Everyone I've worked with - in my eyes - they are mentors and heroes.

You treat characters like people you meet in life-friends or mentors.

And I'd watch George C. Scott from backstage. He was one of my mentors.

I was lucky to have amazing mentors like Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson.

I was lucky that I met the right mentors and teachers at the right moment.

I've had many mentors, but the one that has the most impact was my mother.

The best mentors present their opinions simply as data and not as direction.

I've definitely had mentors, whether parents or friends or actors who I like.

I've had great writing teachers and mentors and great success with my first book.

One of my mentors schooled me on branding before it was a cliche term in the game.

I'm proud of my mentors. Ray Charles is the strongest influence on me as a singer.

I grew up with great mentors in my life who helped me become the singer I am today.

Colleagues are a wonderful thing - but mentors, that's where the real work gets done.

Seek out counsel and be a mentor to people, because then they learn how to be mentors.

I loved Mia Hamm, and I really looked up to Julie Foudy as well, who is one of my mentors.

You know, you do need mentors, but in the end, you really just need to believe in yourself.

There's just nothing to me so invaluable in my business, but in many businesses, as great mentors.

Women in business are talented leaders who can share their skills as trainers, mentors and advocates.

I've been so lucky, with incredible mentors along the way, that now I need to be that for someone else.

One of my mentors early on was Eli Harari, the founder of SanDisk, who happened to be a friend of my dad's.

I look at where I'm at today and realize that most of my success is owed to the mentors that was in my life.

William Regal is one of my mentors, and I had been talking with him the whole time I have been away from WWE.

I have been lucky enough to work with the world's best designers and top stylists - who have been my mentors.

I had some great mentors as I was coming up and starting to sing so early - I've been singing since I was four.

Are any of us self-taught? It just means I didn't go to school for it. But you do have teachers. You have mentors.

The Peapod Foundation provides tools and mentors encouraging children to express themselves through music and art.

To me, mentorships and internships are two big pillars in business development. I believe in having multiple mentors.

The truth is we're all searching. We're all looking for guidance, for mentors, and I'm by no means someone to follow.

You need to be really great at your job. You need a strong network of peers, and you need a strong network of mentors.

A creative writing program is only as good as its teachers, and I was fortunate in having two great writers as mentors.

People need to be in charge of their development plan. They need to seek out their sponsors and their mentors and be very strategic.

You need mentors, people with that desire to support women and the vision to have more. We have that in Anglo American in a big way.

I encourage all of you to seek out teachers and mentors that challenge you to think for yourself and guide you to find your own voice.

I have, I think, eight mentors. It's crazy, but I need them. They are all really important to me. They keep me grounded and advise me.

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