Writers are nerds.

We were the choir nerds.

I am a nerd among nerds.

In fact, the world needs more nerds.

'Star Wars' is for nerds and virgins.

There's a lot of closeted nerds out there.

I'm a rock star among geeks, wonks, and nerds.

Nerds are far more interesting human in later life.

Eventually, the nerds and the geeks will have their day.

Sci-fi nerds are respectful, honorable. You can trust them.

Jazz musicians, in a way, are nerds. We are so in our world.

I want to be the poster girl for engineers and computer nerds.

I write about nerds who go the extra mile and become rock stars.

I don't have a high IQ, but I've always liked nerds and quirky guys.

Even a lot of kids who are gifted can be kids who feel like wimps or nerds.

Obviously, I don't have a high IQ, but I've always liked nerds and quirky guys.

You can date whoever you want, but you should marry the nerds and the good guys.

I've gone from being bullied by jocks as a kid to being bullied by nerds as an adult.

I think it goes without saying that a lot of big horror fans are just nerds and geeks.

In politics almost all of us are nerds, so that's just a given... but we're cool nerds.

The 'Hipster Nerds' like stuff because they hate it. It's like they ironically like it.

I go to comic shops because I like to just listen to nerds arguing about nerd stuff to relax.

Usually, nerds on TV are completely stereotypical, like Urkel, or they're not really so nerdy.

I think there's a misconception that chess players are all total nerds. Well, I guess they are.

Nerds are just deep, and neurotic, fans. Needy fans. We're all nerds, on one subject or another.

The nerds are the ones that make the films and do loads of other really cool stuff in their life.

All this fashion stuff - who's cool now - is just a bigger version of the cool kids versus the nerds.

I try to stay away from calling people nerds or whatever, because I've got my own fetishes and interests.

I love nerds. Comic-Con junkies are the tastemakers of tomorrow. Isn't that funny? The tables have turned.

The coolest person to yourself is yourself, and we're like nerds, and we love to be smart, and that's okay.

Don't we all know why nerds do what they do? To get money, which leads to popularity, which leads to girls.

I think that nerds, if you want to call them that, have only gotten more hip and assimilated into the culture.

Metal guys are huge nerds. A good percentage of them are either horror or sci-fi or comic book or fantasy nerds.

Obama was the best thing for black nerds everywhere. Finally we had a role model. Before Obama, we basically had Urkel.

Black women are the most passionate commentators, and even as black female geeks and nerds, they are rarely acknowledged.

In society at large, nerds are law-abiding, caring, fundamentally good folk who keep the wheels of civilization grinding.

I'm someone who loves romance. I always have loved it. Most people who grew up as nerds, as I was, surprisingly, have loved romance.

I worked at ILM the same time Masi Oka was there. Who would have thought that two Asian-American nerds from ILM would be on hit shows?

Foreign Ministry guys don't become agents. Party officials, the Foreign Ministry nerds, tend not to volunteer to Western intelligence agencies.

My brothers and I always did improv stuff in our basement with our friends; we're super nerds, and that was our way of spending a Friday night.

Political journalists, socially inept or no, are not nerds. Most of them can't do math, a fact that campaigns and politicians regularly exploit.

I auditioned for 'Revenge Of The Nerds,' and I so did not want the picture. I didn't want it. I didn't want be in anything that had nerds anywhere.

Many in the creative professions were nerds in their pasts because they spent so long reading comics and using their imaginations when they were growing up.

Computer science is not just for smart 'nerds' in hoodies coding in basements. Coding is extremely creative and is an integral part of almost every industry.

I'm never without Nerds and peanut M&M's. I have a sweet tooth! I have an unlimited supply on hand at home, but the candy packs in my purse are not for sharing.

Most of the time spent wrestling with technologies that don't quite work yet is just not worth the effort for end users, however much fun it is for nerds like us.

We have to change the way people look at scientists. Today, they are the nerds, the geeks. Instead, we want some of the cool kids to say, 'Hey, this is all right.'

The hardcore fanbase of nerds that live on the Internet are not nearly as powerful as I thought they were. They really, really aren't. They also flip-flop like mad.

I think there's been a major shift in grass roots media because of the Internet and because the geeks and nerds rule the world. They are in control in so many ways.

When I played in the Australia team the captains were all nerds. Allan Border was a nerd, Mark Taylor was a nerd, Steve Waugh was definitely a nerd and Ricky Ponting too.

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