We try to get the best performance out of the artists. There is no point in saying to them, 'You're useless.'

It took a lot of time and practice for me to realise that there's no point trying to be something you're not.

The viewers have the brains to decide the merits of a film and there is no point in blaming them if it flops.

Matches aren't won on the training field and there is no point flogging experienced campaigners unnecessarily.

There is no point in putting out 'The Complete BBC Sessions,' and someone's growling that you missed something.

I personally think if something's not a challenge there's no point doing it because you're not gonna learn much.

There is no point in asking a man a question until you have established whether he has any reason to lie to you.

There's no point in giving up something you enjoy unless you get something back that's even better, and quickly.

I'm going to start by making a confession. My name's Sajid Javid. And I used to be a banker. No point denying it.

I have come to the conclusion there is no point making anything if you're not going to make people laugh and cry.

I personally think if something's not a challenge, there's no point doing it, because you're not gonna learn much.

My delusion outweighs my talent by far and it always will, because if it doesn't, then there's no point in living.

There's no point daydreaming about what you want to play, because there might never be a script with that part in.

When you lose your passion to be a WWE Superstar, there's no point in going back. It's a lot of work and sacrifice.

There's no point in fighting guys when there's no structure, there's no rhyme or reason to who gets the title shot.

There is no point in being a bond vigilante if you cannot influence governments and central banks by selling bonds.

Whatever excuses I can make to you about playing so many games, there is no point - the point is we have many games.

I absolutely love Piers Morgan and there's absolutely no point in watching 'Good Morning Britain' if he's not on it.

There's no point in me meeting with a bunch of producers or studios, because I'll write my own scripts in my own time.

At no point in history have so many non-risk-takers, that is, those with no personal exposure, exerted so much control.

There's no point in making films unless you intend to show us something special, otherwise just go out and watch a play.

Question Time' is a nice forum for reasoned political debate. There's no point having me on there trying to crack jokes.

I've always argued, unsuccessfully, that there's no point in giving money to the arts unless you educate people in them.

Look, there's no place and no point in public life, in any life, for a lot of the things Scott Lively says and believes.

If LPs were replaced by cassettes and then audio cds and now digital media... That is inevitable. No point in lamenting.

There is no point in appearing in just a few episodes. If I do a show on television, it won't be for a few episodes only.

I think you have to go out believing you can win the match; otherwise, there's no point walking out on the court, really.

European leaders have learned that there is no point in seeking agreement with Trump, for he doesn't respect those who do.

I figure there's no point in stressing about what's out of my control, and all I can do is make the best of what I've got.

Stop-motion is sort of twitchy; you can feel the life in it. If we were to remove that completely, there'd be no point in it.

I am neither such a great songwriter or such a great singer that the world must hear my album. There's just no point to make.

Everybody wants peace. That's a truism. There is no point in accomplishing through war what you can accomplish through peace.

There's no point playing up front just because you want to be the one who scores the goals. Make sure you have a knack for it.

There's no point looking good and losing. Winning is what it's all about, and you can't always look spectacular while doing it.

For me, there's no point in being an artist and putting yourself out there if you're not going to really put yourself out there.

They saved my life but the accident was unavoidable so there was no point feeling sorry for myself. I just wanted to race again.

There's no point spending every day with the kids and not talking to each other. I'd rather spend one very intense day together.

There's no point of equilibrium. I'm either at home or at work, but what I try to do is to give my whole heart to wherever I am.

There's no point thinking about dying, because it's going to happen anyway, isn't it? I don't waste my time worrying about that.

I know I'm in a very appearance-driven industry, but this is who I am, and there's no point starving myself into someone I'm not.

Each gig is brilliant and fun. When it becomes a routine, we'll take a break. There's no point in doing it if you don't enjoy it.

There's no point in having a bunch of stuff that you're not going to wear. Why not just have a few things that you actually like?

There's no point regretting things. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Life's too short to worry about things I've said.

I have a responsibility to the people who work for me, the manufacturers I work with. There is no point to clothes that don't sell.

I've always written very tightly, and there's a good reason for that. There's no point in using words that you're not going to apply.

You have to write the story that's at the front of your head. There is no point in trying to write for the market; it won't ring true.

If you don't know the blues... there's no point in picking up the guitar and playing rock and roll or any other form of popular music.

There's no point in treating a currency like a commodity, devaluing it artificially and causing a lot of poverty among poor countries.

The desire for self-improvement is vital. There is no point in pushing children; they need to be the ones who want to learn new skills.

There is no point helping some people when, the next day or when the next family comes into your office, you are not able to help them.

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