I don't like pasta.

I love rice and pasta.

Oh, my God, I love pasta.

I don't go a day without eating pasta.

I'll have pasta two out of seven meals.

The only guilty pleasure I have is pasta.

Dinner is usually just pasta with mushrooms.

I love Italian food, such as pasta or lasagna.

I can't eat spaghetti. There's too many of them.

I am an expert at applying premade pesto to pasta.

I always try to be healthy - brown rice, brown pasta.

Life is too short not to have pasta, steak, and butter.

Grilled salmon and brown pasta works for me every time.

Only thing I am testing positive for is Pasta or Cheese.

There is nothing I like more than pure underground music

Normally I don't feel like having a belly full of pasta.

Aakhri Pasta is an extension of Sajid Khan's personality.

I'd much rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size 0.

What does Karl Marx put on his pasta? Communist Manipesto!

In heaven, after antipasti, the first course will be pasta.

I eat pasta every day. It gives me energy. I love the taste.

I love food, and I love carbs: Pasta, rice - that's my thing.

I like to make pasta with puttanesca sauce and arugula salad.

I love pasta with the homemade marinara sauce I had as a kid.

I'm a big pasta guy, but I've cut it out to stay fast and lean.

Life is not worth living if I cannot have pasta or bread again.

On a typical gameday I eat pasta, salad and drink lots of water.

I only like food without color, like potatoes, bread, and pasta.

My favourite meal is probably chicken with penne pasta and pesto.

Pasta doesn't make you fat. How much pasta you eat makes you fat.

As long as there's pasta and Chinese food in the world, I'm okay.

And I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza.

When I'm traveling, I won't miss an opportunity to try great pasta.

I'm a huge pasta and pizza lover. I can eat those every single day.

Running - it keeps me balanced, energetic, and primed for pasta intake.

Eating healthy is a constant battle. I love chips. I'm a huge pasta fan.

I love to cook really fattening things, like steak and pasta and potatoes.

Pasta with melted cheese is the one thing I could eat over and over again.

I make a big pot of pasta with vegetables, and I stretch it out for the week.

You can buy a good pasta but when you cook it yourself it has another feeling.

Life is too short. If we're in Italy, have pizza and pasta. But not every day.

I'd take pasta over skinny any day. More importantly, I'd take health over looks.

When I went to university I survived on jacket potatoes and pasta for three years.

Pasta is the one food I can't live without. It's the food I eat to fuel my running.

The unlikely combination of potatoes and pasta does appear in some Italian recipes.

Carbs - especially pasta - are the fuel my body needs to maintain an athletic lifestyle.

I'm a pasta girl, and I like dishes that are easy, one-pot dishes that are really quick.

It's a comfort to always find pasta in the cupboard and garlic and parsley in the garden.

I make really good pasta sauce. The secret to getting it right is just patience and love.

I received a shot and broke my tooth. Unfortunately, we Italians only eat pasta al dente.

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