Field-goal percentage is very important.

A certain tiny percentage of everyone is gay.

I am way more accurate than my completion percentage shows.

I land a higher percentage of punches than any boxer in boxing.

I give a percentage of the earnings to the Motion Picture Home.

Ignore the annual percentage rate when shopping for a mortgage.

With that corner 3, it's the highest percentage shot in the game.

A large percentage of my father's patients were African-American.

It has always been in my make up to play a high percentage of games.

A high percentage of each of my books has been written in Des Moines.

My 3-point percentage is low, but I think I just need to work on that.

According to the percentage people, you would be perfectly comfortable.

The percentage of Americans in the prison system, has doubled since 1985.

A large percentage of the staff plays both online and here at the Casinos.

We should reduce total government spending as a percentage of the economy.

Unfortunately, the highly curious student is a small percentage of the kids.

By 2030, just a small percentage of the global population will live in poverty.

You're spoilt as an actor if you are in that small percentage that works regularly.

I shoot my highest percentage from the right corner, and it's also the shortest shot.

I want to be in the small percentage of women who don't settle for conventional roles.

There is no evidence that super PACs have led to a greater percentage of negative ads.

I am like the huge percentage of Indians who follow majorly cricket when it comes to sports.

I think - there's always going to be a percentage of people who maybe aren't as good as others.

I'm in a small percentage of people that get to do what they love to do for a living. I'm lucky.

Warren Buffett pays taxes on a smaller percentage of his billions in income than his cleaning lady.

There's a direct link between percentage of young people that are educated and how we live our lives.

Acting is a tough business, and the percentage of people who make it is very low - it's about 1 percent.

The highest percentage of African Americans own their own homes today than ever in our nation's history.

It's no sin to make a critical study of Brazil's reality. A small percentage own land. Most people don't.

If David Duke got the percentage of the vote that Le Pen got, we would be terrified, as well we should be.

The big percentage is us, the real people, and we have to say something. You have to speak up. You have to.

Developing films with directors, developing films with actors, is a poor percentage play for a screenwriter.

I'm not looking at money, percentage points or grosses. This is my life, you know? To me, every day matters.

An incredibly high percentage of successful entrepreneurs are dyslexic. That's one of the little-known facts.

The GOP can't even envision winning the White House if we lose a significant percentage of the Hispanic vote.

I've learned it's always better to have a small percentage of a big success, than a hundred percent of nothing.

Metal guys are huge nerds. A good percentage of them are either horror or sci-fi or comic book or fantasy nerds.

There's a bigger percentage of good cops than bad cops. But the bad cops should be penalised like regular people.

Slow growth and inflation have a tendency to accompany large deficits and increasing debt as a percentage of GDP.

People who would go to an arthouse cinema and watch a Swedish movie and read subtitles... it's a small percentage.

In tournaments, you want to steal the blinds as cheaply as possible without risking a high percentage of your chips.

There's always going to be a percentage of the kids out there who want to hear people who can actually play and sing.

Ninety percent of my roles, I've had to fight for. It's only a really small percentage of people who get handed roles.

Being a white South African, I enjoyed the better things that that country gave to a small percentage of its population.

I'm not a fan of analytics. When I was a kid, I couldn't tell you what percentage Allen Iverson shot, or Michael Jordan.

A very big percentage of small-scale construction is plastic. But it's some horrible beige plastic made to look like wood.

When you fall short of your internal forecast, two things happen: Costs go up as a percentage of sales, and margins go down.

I think it's right not to 'give' but to create opportunities and invest a percentage into those communities that you come from.

The ideal ratio is one computer to every five students; we are nowhere close to that percentage in a lot of schools in America.

Despite having a lackluster completion percentage, Kaepernick managed to throw 16 touchdowns against four interceptions in 2016.

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