Innovation has to be pervasive.

Well, fear and homophobia are both pervasive.

The Internet is not pervasive as it could be, or democratic.

Depression is incredibly pervasive and thus important to talk about.

South Carolina's lack of access to quality maternal health care is pervasive.

My relationships with my cats has saved me from a deadly, pervasive ignorance.

Prediction by analogy -creativity - is so pervasive we normally don't notice it.

The most pervasive cyber threat to the U.S. financial sector is from cyber criminals.

Of course, bad marriages are so pervasive that they have invaded the faith community too.

The use of methamphetamines has become pervasive in our country, and especially in rural areas.

The cradle-to-grave welfare state diminishes individual initiative and can breed a pervasive sclerosis.

American prejudices about Europe rarely surface in headlines, but they are real, pervasive, and ingrained.

I want justice to be so pervasive that it will be taken for granted, just as injustice is taken for granted today.

Power as an experience is as intense as sex. Power is more pervasive and unremitting. Sex has periods of remission.

On both sides of the Atlantic, politics has come to be dominated by vitriolic name-calling and pervasive dishonesty.

Ultimately, I feel like there is just a pervasive evidence of God. Though I know that is maybe a controversial thing to say.

Sexual harassment and gender discrimination is real, it's far more pervasive than I think people have been willing to acknowledge.

Violence against women and girls touches every corner of the globe and is one of the world's most pervasive human rights violations.

Living under the perpetual and pervasive threat of racism seems, for black men and black women, to quite literally reduce lifespans.

One of the most pervasive political visions of our time is the vision of liberals as compassionate and conservatives as less caring.

The illusion of purpose and design is perhaps the most pervasive illusion about nature that science has to confront on a daily basis.

Innovation will come from an ecosystem of pervasive computing so natural and all-encompassing that it disappears into the background.

There's a shift to mobile apps; I'd like to see a more pervasive communications experience, and I think Skype can contribute to that.

Science shouldn't be just for scientists, and there are encouraging signs that it is becoming more pervasive in culture and the media.

Constant and pervasive danger makes agile movement a high priority for all soldiers, whether they are assigned directly to combat or not.

Antibiotics are so pervasive that they are often prescribed preemptively, as soon as patients report symptoms, before a diagnosis is made.

Transgender people, especially transgender women of color, face pervasive discrimination throughout life, including by those sworn to protect us.

Chemical synthesis is uniquely positioned at the heart of chemistry, the central science, and its impact on our lives and society is all pervasive.

Until we address the pervasive structural and interpersonal threats facing communities of color, we will remain unequipped to make equity a reality.

I'm not a good photographer, not a good writer. I'm a pretty regular person whose insecurity is so pervasive that it makes me always feel vulnerable.

I enjoy what I do, but I also do it on time because my audience is very pervasive; they're everywhere, and they will constantly remind me if I'm not on time.

To end the pervasive culture of sexual harassment, it can no longer be the norm that men look the other way. It only ends when men actively participate in ending it.

I've learned that it's often the less obvious, yet pervasive and questionable, everyday behaviors of men in our industry that collectively make it inhospitable for women.

With the pervasive popularity of rap music and a black man sitting in the White House, there's no reason to pretend the NBA has been handicapped by the blackness of basketball.

Too many of us suffer from pervasive feelings of personal powerlessness. We have a terrible habit of obstructing our own paths forward, especially at the worst possible moments.

The single best thing is, family comes first. Over everything. I can't think of anything that has been more pervasive and played a larger part in my life than that simple lesson.

I believe there is no natural ceiling on the revenue Twitter can generate. I also believe that Twitter's reach can become more pervasive and its impact on the world more meaningful.

My father was a graduate student at Oxford in the early 1960s, where the conventions and etiquette of clothing were crucial to the pervasive class consciousness of the place and time.

We are all aware that corruption is pervasive. It operates at every level. The poor may carry its greatest burden, but it is an affliction that every Indian is desperate to be rid of.

Ideas come from all over, but as I write more and more, I find I'm always hunting for mood: I want to write a novel with a pervasive mood that sticks with you after you close the cover.

Everyone is very aware that, not only do we have a race problem, but it's so pervasive that it affects national and global politics on a scale that I don't think a lot of people imagined.

There's been such a sense that there's one set of rules for trillion-dollar financial institutions and a different set for all the rest of us. It's so pervasive that it's not even hidden.

However muted its present appearance may be, sexual dominion obtains nevertheless as perhaps the most pervasive ideology of our culture and provides its most fundamental concept of power.

Too often, customary practices and discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, race, religion, social status, or class are the root sources of pervasive inequality in many countries.

A really important thing when you come up with a concept is that you solve a pervasive problem for people, and you don't try to create a new way to do something that isn't necessarily broken.

What amplifies the transformational power ahead is the confluence of two major technological currents today: the universal access to mobile computing and the pervasive use of social networks.

The State lives by its very existence on the two-fold and pervasive employment of aggressive violence against the very liberty and property of individuals that it is supposed to be defending.

One of the most pervasive and damaging trends we are seeing in the 21st-century workplace is the deliberate misclassification of workers by employers looking to shift responsibility and cut costs.

Dowry is still pervasive and spreading like cancer in the society. Apart from legal sanctions, there should be more social awareness on the issue so that people start to practice what they preach.

Well, I think the public has been well-served by the increase in fact-checking. And I find it shocking that not all news outlets have invested in hiring fact-checkers because the line is so pervasive.

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