I go through phases of stuff.

All marriages have their phases.

I grow gnomic. It is the last phase.

My sexuality is not a phase. I am who I am.

We're all humans; we all go through phases.

The phases of fire are craving and satiety.

Unfortunately, we all go through bad phases.

Purposeless activity may be a phase of death.

The honeymoon phase always ends, for everyone.

I had a gothic phase, and now I'm more edgy chic.

Shout out to my haters sorry you couldn't phase me.

I went through awkward, chubby, total weirdo phases.

Being a grandparent is whole new phase in your life.

The game is 90 minutes long, and there are many phases.

I go through phases when I'm super into my anime stuff.

Any great organization can go through sectarian phases.

I am very much enjoying the fatherhood phase of my life.

I feel SF is going through an experimental phase right now.

I went through a wood-chopping phase when I was nine or 10.

Central aid never comes in one disbursal; it comes in phases.

A more significant phase should mean serious political dialogue.

I'm really happy to be a mom, and I'm proud of the phase I'm in.

I went through a phase where I thought nostalgia was a bad thing.

When I was little, I went through a lot of phases, like any girl.

No phase of life, whether public or private, can be free from duty.

I've grown up on TV, and there were some phases that weren't pretty.

The Beatles are a passing phase, symptoms of the confusion about us.

Sometimes, you have to go through a phase whether you like it or not.

I have a short attention span, so I go through short nerd-out phases.

If you're human, you've had phases in your life when things are in flux.

Young people who learn the arts do better in every phase of their lives.

I go through so many different phases, just like every teenage girl does.

I thought I wanted to be a lawyer and was going through this growth phase.

Kids should be naughty and go through that rebellious phase I didn't have.

I had an indie pop phase, I had just about every phase you could think of.

I had a girlfriend before I ever had a boyfriend, but it was just a phase.

Every phase of a film has to go against what was done in the previous one.

I am the biggest geek and fan of film and TV, and I just go through phases.

I had my gothy phase, but I was never a troublemaker or anything like that.

Religion is one of the phases of thought through which the world is passing.

Excellence implies striving for the highest standards in every phase of life.

They're different kinds of challenges depending upon what phase of life I'm in.

I serve dinner in three phases: serve the food, clear the table, bury the dead.

Life surprises you. It happens to the best of actors, we have good and bad phases.

No serious-minded man should have time for the mediocre in any phase of his living.

We need to phase Medicare and Social Security out in favor of something privatized.

We Americans entered a new phase in our history - the era of integration - in 1954.

It's not until the very last phase that you know how good the works are going to be.

I go through phases where I buy only Speed Stick and Axe, and Noxzema shaving cream.

There is a phase in the life of every copy editor when she is obsessed with hyphens.

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